The most awaited 90's party

Aug 22 2013.

views 1153

It’s funny how nostalgia is something that lasts for all but a couple of seconds in today’s hustle and bustle world.  To get a glimpse of something that brings back memories is almost a privilege nowadays, and that’s where it stops for most of us. So how much better is it then, when hours of 90’s music is available for your enjoyment on one special night?

A visit back to the heydays is the order of the day on the 30th of August when the doors of The Blue Elephant at The Hilton Colombo open up to resemble something nothing short of a portal to the glory days.

With more than a decade to separate us from the 90’s, everything about that era can be considered gone, but remain classic in our memories. So Red FM, with the confidence of recent successful events behind us, attempts to bring back the golden age. Colombo will truly have a time machine for a few hours on that night.

Ladies will have the privilege of walking in free of charge for an hour between 8 and 9 PM, and tickets thereafter will be priced at Rs 1000. The DJ’s will be of the highest quality In terms of the music required on the night as some of the most infamous hits of the era will be blaring throughout the party.

This is sure to be a successful event as the 90’s will be brought to you rather than you having to go chasing for the memories created in that most wonderful of eras.


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