Oct 16 2013.
views 1318The Dance Works Centre presents “So This Is Christmas”
At first sight of the title of the production, one wonders, “Why Christmas in October?” “It’s not just because we are about two months away from Christmas or because Christmas is such a joyous time, nor is it just because Christmas is so colorful. It is, in fact, all those reasons and more”, says Kanthi Ranchigoda, Director of Dance Works Centre, promising an avant-garde dance recital.
Those closely associated with the Dance Works Centre over the years will recall the production titled “Spirit of Christmas” held in December 2004. The urging of the younger siblings of those who danced with the Academy then given has impelled yet another Christmas production albeit earlier: “So This Is Christmas.”
Christmas is, by all accounts, a time of joy and giving; the Dance Works Center seeks to capture this very essence of Christmas through graceful dance and celebrate a milestone of 32 years of existence while lending a hand towards those suffering from leprosy at the unveiling of “So This Is Christmas”.
This production is a colorful display of how dance has proven to be a wonderful way for students to build confidence, tone their bodies and display their skills and sharpen technique while their personalities evolve in the process.
This dance centric event highlighting the grand celebrations and traditions of Christmas through a wide array of dance forms ranging from Classical Ballet and Tap Dance to Free Style and Hip Hop is set to take stage on from the 25th to the 27th of October 2013 at the Lionel Wendt. Await a closer look at the inmates of the production coming soon!
By Sapthika Jacob