Santa's Workshop

Dec 12 2013.

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Give your kids a chance to have some old fashioned Christmas fun sans gadgets and addictive technologies. Cinnamon Grand, this year, attempts to recreate the story of Santa and his helper elves, and the magic behind Santa’s busy workshop.


Blending the traditional with a modern twist, the Cinnamon Grand will strive to recreate the mystery and magic that once surrounded Christmas, in aweing your child at this year’s Santa’s Workshop.

We invite your children to discover the magic inside Santa’s home in the North Pole, a secret destination that they have never accessed before and will mostly likely never do so again!

Let them walk around the famous red suited man’s home and mingle with his family and helper elves while learning all the hard work they put into making Christmas memorable for children all over the world.

As the stress of the season piles up the night before Christmas, your children will be part of the mad rush to get things done and complete tasks in a timely manner.

They will also have to cook with Mrs.Clause and make and wrap toys with the elves at the toyshop and mailroom. With the fun will come the important lessons and learning’s through the creative and educative activities.

 “This is Cinnamon Grand’s fifth consecutive Santa’s Workshop and each year we try to better it. Today’s child is so evolved that we had a challenge in conceptualizing something that would wow them.

But we feel that an important part of childhood is in the magic of discovery. Children are full of curiosity and we have found ways to tap this curiosity and make them believe in the magic” said Cinnamon Grand’s Manager Marketing Communications and Sustainability Tharika Goonathilake.

She further noted, “While sustainability is vital in today’s context it is not a concept that can be preached or taught. Rather it is something that must be practiced and celebrated. We hope to instill the value of recycling and being conscious of the environment to children at a young age, through the activities in and set up of this workshop.”

Held on the 17th of December at the Atrium Lobby, the workshop will be held in two sessions. ((9.30am-12.30pm and 2.30pm-5.30pm) The magical line up of educational, creative, festive and fun experiences are tailored specially for kids between the ages of 6 and 10 years.

Tickets priced at Rs. 2500/- are available at the hotel’s Events Desk. Call or 011 2497470, 0773 136778 or 07731136778 for reservations.


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