Reviving a masterpiece

Sep 23 2013.

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As of late this particular production has been reason for buzz among theatre lovers in town. The Workshop Players are reviving one of the better loved musicals of all time, Jesus Christ Superstar.

The rock opera musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice follows the events leading up to the Passion of Christ, and is one that has held its fan base gripped eclipsing time or age.



This being the duo’s first musical for the professional stage, it has proven itself to be of undying popularity, more so because it presents essential human elements to the gospel characters we are familiar with.

It seems only fitting that the Workshop Players, renowned for the level of energy and spirit in their plays, revive a musical of such calibre and fame for the local audience. The play is directed by Jerome De Silva.  




The play casts in some well known stage personalities as well as absolutely fresh faces in lead roles, joined in by a large ensemble. Jerome was ecstatic that the play has some ‘rock lions’ in the country. Musician Chrisantha De Silva and Suresh from Stigmata are acting in lead roles against familiar figures like Rehan Almeida and Gehan Blok.

As Jerome reasons is the case with most of their productions there are ample new additions to the Workshoppers as well. Stay with Life as we will soon bring you the complete list of cast and their comments on being part of the show.



Commenting on what sets this production apart as unique in comparison to what the Workshop Players usually do, Jerome said, “This is the first real rock musical we’re doing and it’s different to what we did before, that way. And the best rockers in Sri Lanka are in it. As always, we have over ninety characters singing and acting and dancing on stage.”

Jerome and the Workshoppers put together the phenomenal production of Evita last year, and Jesus Christ Superstar is predicted to go down the list of their finest pick of the bunch.



In terms of originality of plot, this production underplays on the relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus which most renditions of the musical tend to emphasize. Jerome said, “We’re trying to portray it as a relationship of compassion more than anything else, which works perfectly for bringing out their human facets.” What is delivered with a sledgehammer blow on the other hand is the dynamics between Judas Iscariot and Jesus.

This production adds a sense of fulfilment or completion to the original musical and is therefore conclusive in nature, so that’s something for the audience to look out for!



Responding to common censure that the musical is not biblically sound, Jerome believes nothing could be further from truth. He said, “It is as scripturally authentic as it gets. If Jesus did live among us this is how people would react to Him. Being a committed Christian myself, I wouldn’t choose to do this if it wasn’t so. The production itself is charged with emotion and love and to the Workshop Players it is indeed a labour of love.” He has also edited out anything controversial as he asserts he is acutely concerned about everyone’s religious sensibilities. 




Jerome greatly looks forward to the show dates. He noted that he is sure he’ll have a whole new set of audience for the show, owing to the widespread popularity of the musical, in addition to the usual Workshop Players fans who don’t miss a single production, some of whom have followed his entire 40+ year theatre career.

He finally added that some of the real stars in the production are in the ensemble, as they are the ones who lend all their energy towards the perfection of the show.

Box plan and tickets are available starting today exclusively at the Lionel Wendt. The show has a ten day run from 4th through 13th of October at the Wendt at 7 p.m.




By Nivedha Jeyaseelan

Pix by Nisal Baduge 



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