Reasons You're Skipping Gym

Aug 13 2015.

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Totally legit reasons you’re ditching the gym today... 

We've all gotten ourselves gym memberships at some point in our lives. And, so as to make sure everyone and their mother are aware of it, we meticulously document our first day at the gym on social media. Just like a proud mother would, say, post pictures of her firstborn. From facebook to twitter to instagram, we mercilessly shove a barrage of gym selfies and pro tips down the throats of our long suffering followers. Because obviously, having a gym membership plus a day’s experience at one, automatically makes us a certified pro/fitness guru. Duh.

Sometimes though, the excitement wears off after day one, considering that we may have kinda sorta overdone the workouts due to over enthusiasm. Within seconds, our limbs are on fire, so much that we know we're dying a slow, agonizing death. In the few spells of sanity in the midst of mind numbing pain, it dawns on us that we may have made a decision too soon. As the weight of our spur of the moment decision sinks in, we feel duped. Suddenly, the gym doesn't seem as awesome as the brochure promised. The trainer is an insensitive jerk and bully. The gym is gross. The huge, beefy dudes scare us. The list, for its part, keeps growing. Nevertheless, we're intent on returning to the gym the next day. Unfortunately, "life" happens and looks like we can't go, after all.

Here are some legit reasons you and I aren't going to the gym today:

● Oh, I was meant to go TODAY? Looks like it slipped my mind. Oh well.

● My gym wardrobe is outdated yo. It needs a major style overhaul. Which costs a lot of money. Which I don’t have.

● Ditto new kicks. With arch support. To save myself from  underpronation issues. 

One word: germs! Germs here. Germs there. Germs EVERYWHERE!

● No one goes to the gym to workout anymore. They're all in there taking selfies. Totally demotivating. I'd rather workout at home.

● I'll start my healthy diet first and THEN I'll go to the gym. It's all about priorities ya'll.

● Oh God. I think I'm getting a headache. How untimely!

● My dad’s uncle’s friend’s nieces’ cousins are coming over to see me. All the way from America. You understand it will be rude for me to ditch them, right?

● Do you really want me to end up a steroid junkie? Because that's what I'll end up becoming if I continue going to the gym.

● It's Sunday! What kind of weird person goes to the gym on a Sunday?

● Today is not a Monday. It's not the first day of a month either. So.

● My star sign prediction for the day was bad. I ain't risking my life for ONE day of gymming okay?

● My trainer at the gym has been giving off serial killer vibes and I'm scared for my life.

● I'm not fit/strong enough to go to the gym.

● My workout playlist needs updating. That may take a while, unfortunately.

● It's raining, isn't it? And I'll just get sick if I get wet and miss more gym days in the process.

● I think I'm going to buy my own treadmill and work out in peace. Yeah. That makes sense. Much cheaper. Right?

● I have that presentation tomorrow that I need to prepare for.

● Wait. Where's my gym membership? I can't believe I've lost it.

● The traffic down Galle Road is crazy right now! Maybe I'll go later in the day when there's less traffic.

● Well now it's too late to go to the gym, and I'm hungry anyway.

● Everyone on the Internet is wrong and I need to enlighten them because Chuck Norris can’t hold a candle to Bruce Lee.

● What's that sudden news update on TV? It could be serious. Better stay in and watch to make sure.

● So. Much. Homework.

● Research has proven that going to the gym can be harmful. So I'm just going to start walking instead.

● Apparently, yoga is the way to go. So I'll probably just stay home and watch YouTube yoga tutorial videos. Besides, I'm already a total pro at shavasana. See, totally economical and safe.

By Rihaab Mowlana


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