Mar 26 2015.
views 718When Reality Becomes a Misnomer
When it comes to reality tv, there are two types of "fans": 1) people who watch it religiously 2) people who'd rather gauge their own eyes out than watch it, but end up watching anyway. Just because. The lure and appeal for this amorphous genre of media is baffling, to say the least. We seem to have collectively regressed into a society of voyeurs feeding off salacious scandals and exhibitionist contestants. Reality tv has come a long way from its humble beginnings of game shows and talent competitions and transitioned to embrace mostly scripted celebrity exposès, beauty and home makeovers, dating shows, court shows and then some.
While many of these shows are mundane at best, there are some that go above and beyond in their quest to shock and leave the viewer shaking their head in disbelief. The oftentimes blatant lack of a moral compass, seems to not deter TV bosses in the least.
Here are some shows that will undoubtedly mock your intelligence and thirst for a dose of relatable "reality".
Orgasm Wars
There's no better way to break the ice than to start with the most outrageous of em all. Orgasm Wars - because our lives would have sucked devoid of knowledge of this shows existence. An exchange of pleasantries and bows precedes the scandalously epic battle to make the opponent climax against their will. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. Thankfully, there is no actual nudity on the show.
Who's Your Daddy?
An adult put up for adoption at infancy is placed in a room full of men, one of whom is their biological father. If the contestant picks accurately, he/she gets $100,000. If not, the man incorrectly selected gets $100,000 and biological dad and child will still be united anyway. Its a win-win. Right? The masses seemed to disagree, and thanks to low ratings and strong controversy, this show was shelved indefinitely.
Dating Naked
Because dating wasn't awkward enough with clothes on. Some producer probably woke up one morning and thought "We need a never before thought of show. Let's make a dating show. But with NUDITY!!!!!" Ironically, a female contestant filed a lawsuit after the channel showed her too naked. Go figure.
The Swan
The epitome of superficiality, The Swan capitalizes on human self worth, and sees women deemed "ugly" given extreme makeovers! This ghastly depiction of negative body image is not only disgusting, it also sends the wrong kind of message to impressionable young kids.
All My Babies Mamas
As if there weren't enough shows chronicling the lives of D-list celebs, All My Babies Mamas follows the ups and downs of Atlanta rapper and serial baby daddy Shawty Lo as he handles fatherhood. Which may actually be quite a feat considering he fathered 11 children with 10 women. Makes us wonder what kind of message and lifestyle is being promoted by these self-professed role models.
Please Marry My Boy
There is no bigger blow to your street cred like having your mother act as your pimp. Which is, essentially, what this show is about. Excessive and in-your-face momism is prevalent as a group of pampered mummy boys speed date a number of females, who will ultimately be narrowed down to just three by his mother. Needless to say, the show only lasted 2 seasons.
Sperm Race
There's no doubt whatsoever that a man came up with the premise for this show. Twelve men compete to determine who has the fastest sperm of them all. Yes, this actually happened although it was never aired. Three doctors including a gynecologist were said to be on hand to ensure the sperm behaved appropriately. The winner was promised bragging rights and a shiny red Porsche.
Bad Girls Club
What happens when you put seven emotionally unstable women with behavioral issues in a house together for 3 months? You get modern day Gladiator type action. This pointless show has plenty of intense aggression, catfights and sexual escapades to last you several lifetimes. You will be surprised to know that not only has BGC lasted 13 seasons, there are also several spin-offs featuring past cast members.
By Rihaab Mowlana