Jul 02 2015.
views 73225 Signs You’re Having A Quarter Life Crisis!
When I was 7, someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told them I wanted to be Miss World and feed hungry kids because being Miss World was the only way I believed this could be done. When I was 13, someone asked me again what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told them when I’m 25, I want to be a CEO, married and living in a big house, maybe ready to pop a baby. Oh boy was I wrong! I’m 24 going on 25 and I’m already having a quarter life crisis! Here are a few signs you’re probably having it too!
1) You wake up every morning thinking “I will be productive today” then you see your dog and think “God! I wish I had her life!.”
2) “Am I a grown up? I think I’m a child. Yes, definitely still a child” “Okay no, I’m old. I’ll be 50 in 25 years!” are thoughts that are constantly running around in your mind.
3) Is it okay to ask my parents for pocket money? Will they think I’m an irresponsible child?
4) But I’m broke to the bone!
5) I want to move out. I want to live alone. I want to be more responsible. I can look after myself, I’m a big girl now!
7) Look at all those rich kids travelling the world and driving their dad’s Landrovers! And the most travelling I’ve done is that spontaneous road trip to Galle! Urgh.
8) Why is everyone on my Facebook getting married?? Don’t you fools realize that your life stops here? Now you will have 5 children and get old and die ugly! STOP GETTING MARRIED!
9) Okay I’m joking. I’m just jealous.
10) Why do I have too much month left at the end of my pay cheque?? What did I do with my money?
11) Did my parents have it all figured out at 25?
12) STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO MAMA!! Okay no, please tell me, which detergent should I use on white clothes?
13) I should stop buying white clothes and stick to black. No one will notice if I don’t wash it for a month.
14) God is your best friend one day and the next day you hate Him! One day, you can’t stop thanking Him for the amazing life you have, the next day you’re atheist because God gave you a douche of a boss.
15) Will I always hate my job?
16) Binge eating and binge watching Pretty Little Liars seems like the perfect way to spend a Sunday.
17) You thought you’ll be calling the shots at 25, instead, here you are, ordering another round of shots, hoping your card won’t get declined.
18) You Google answers to life problems, like “How to make easy money, legally (or illegally)” “How to deal with annoying boss” “How to make pasta without setting the fire alarm off".
19) Your mother tells you stories on how she was married at 22 and had her first child at 24 and you’re still trying to make time to go on a second date with that guy you don’t even like!
20) Dream jobs are overrated. I hate any job that involves waking up and leaving my bed.
21) You want to punch anyone who asks you when you’re going to get married or have kids!
22) Gym rats annoy you, but they look SO DARN GOOD you spend money you don’t have on a gym membership, then fall on the treadmill and twist your ankle and never go back because you can’t heal a broken heart.
23) You want to eat healthy, but cheeseburgers are SO much cheaper and tastier!
24) And here I thought being a teenager was hard!
25) But then you wake up one day and realize that you have the world ahead of you, and air in your lungs and you can’t wait to do amazing things with your life! (I’m kidding.)
Here are some of the thoughts shared by my dear Facebook friends on a quarter life crisis.
Ryan Arseculeratne
“Part of you is confused as to what exactly you want your life to be, and the other part wants to compete in the rat race. You look at other people your own age and compare and worry about whether what you’re doing is good enough. It’s a tough time for relationships as well.”
Kevin Kulatilake
“Social dilemma. Most of us change who we are simply to fit in and feel accepted.This makes a substantial foot print in our future, only leading to midlife crisis.”
Masha Fernando
“Adulthood should come with instructions because I’m clearly failing at it.”
Harini Indiketiya
“When you realize that you’re stuck in the middle and forced to settle in to a routine that would stick with you pretty much for the rest of your life or until the midlife crisis hits you. This routine may involve your career/profession and a life partner (found by yourself or forced upon-argh).”
Shalini Gunaratne
“Finding a good life partner, trying to figure out what your dream job is and coping with overprotective parents.”
Krishni Iresha
“I need money to visit all the countries I haven’t been to yet. Education, marriage and kids are not important in my life.”
Talal Aniff
“When your aunts come up and tell you that they have found a nice girl for you. It's time to get married.”
Ruvini Lokunarangoda
“I guess I survived through a quarter life crisis. People rush to achieve many life goals 'at once' when they are 20 something. For example, completing higher education, getting married, start having kids, finding career stability, to get in better shape.... the list goes on. May be they feel insecure that they do all these before 30 or they'll never. But priorities and their occurrences are very specific to individuals. So the key is to adjust your priorities with the flow. There're no 'must-do's or a fixed order.”
Shayani Weerasinghe
“I am having one right now. For the most part it is generally damaging but it can be can useful reality check if gone about the right way - I'm motivated to finish goals I have set for myself for some time."
By Shenali de Silva