Open Mic Night EP - June

Jul 21 2015.

views 454

Castelo Kandy’s Open Mic Night EP - June 

The Open Mic Night EP of June is out and there is nothing but excitement for me as I begin to listen to it, on my first skim through of the album I was filled with satisfaction.  On my second and more critical listen through of the album I was beyond satisfied, more of a feeling of happiness as the event began to come to life within the walls of my mind.

Breaking it down, the EP was extremely well mastered considering all the songs on it were recorded live, perfect balancing and clarity, these traits were consistent throughout the complete length of the EP, that itself is the product of hard working music producer and managing partner “Andrew Withana” and “Adrian Selvarajah” of ‘4th Note’ respectively.

Getting down to the items itself, it is no mystery to anyone who attended the last Open  Mic Night event that the musicians and singers that performed were all skilled talented youth of the hill capital, what Open Mic Night did was not simply an event, but opening up an avenue for these talented young people of Kandy to have a chance to have their performances professionally recorded and then compiled into an EP, which actually in turn gets an amazing number of plays and shares, so it not only helps them get their music recorded, but also helps them get recognized.

All in all, the EP is a typical indie master piece with consistently good music throughout the length of it’s 11 songs, but I will not fail to mention one song that stood out amongst all of them, an item of raw talent and hard work, Elijah’s original song was refreshing to listen to than the songs that I have heard repeatedly on the radio and on TV, this EP is a must see if you want to support your local music scene.

Without failing to remember the souls behind the show, the organizers of this event, Adrian Selvarajah and Kishin Siva, what they started was a strong ring of musicians in Kandy and an avenue to portray their talents.

By Omesh Yapa


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