Nothing of the Predictable Sort

Jul 23 2013.

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Nothing of the Predictable Sort – ‘Dead Man’s Cell Phone’
Fresh faces seem to be a refreshing change to local theatre and a well-timed spin to a jammed theatre itinerary. I was very fascinated by the name ‘Theatre Junction’ which turned out to be a theatre group for and by young, upcoming actors. People loved them last year when ‘Time and Motion’, a compilation of short skits, was staged.
This year, a ‘Dead Man’s Cell Phone’, scripted by Sarah Wuhl is their pick to present to their gripped fan base. It is not your everyday comedy. An incessant phone and its impassive owner in a café – only that he’s not playing deadpan.
He is, in fact, dead! Albeit he has left much unsettled in the form of his ever buzzing phone to whomever it excites into answering its summon.
Daily Mirror Life caught up with directress Anushka Senanayake. 
What is the superbly named theatre group, ‘Theatre Junction’ about?
Theatre Junction is a group of young theatre folk that are out to offer you something different, something more than a little crazy, something that whispers ‘magic’.
Our debut production was last year - ‘Time and Motion’ held at the Lionel Wendt and featured 5 short plays. This group is about bringing something a little more contemporary and experimental to the wide array of wonderful theatre that is already available to English theatre lovers in Sri Lanka.
 Why do you think Dead Man’s Cell Phone is a good choice to present to today’s audience?
I think this script is extremely relevant to the digital world we live in. It addresses the role cell phones and modern technology play in our daily lives.
It is very cleverly written and the witty humour along with the twists and turns of the plot will hopefully reveal some truths about the behaviour of people in this technologically infused era.
The title is vague as much as it is intriguing. Tell us about Dead Man’s Cell Phone?
‘Dead Man’s Cell Phone’ is as the title implies about a dead man’s cell phone! The endless ringing of a cell phone prompts Jean, a young woman, to approach the owner of the cellphone with the hope of silencing it.
What she discovers from there on is something you should be there to witness on one of the performance nights!
How do Shazad, Chalana, Dinoo, Sulo and Tasmin form the ideal cast?
In addition to these five talented actors, Amesh Wijesekera, Sandharu Ferdinando and Senani Gunatilleke join in as ensemble members to complete the cast for this production.
These actors form the ideal cast for too many reasons. They are all extremely talented, up for trying new things, a joy to work with and just a fun loving bunch. There is never a dull moment at rehearsals!
How has directing this play been so far? 
It has been a great deal of fun to say the least. As with most plays, there were definitely some challenges the script presented but it was great to work through these tough spots. On a personal level, it has definitely been a great learning experience.
While I have had the opportunity to work with two of my theatre professors in my college in the US on two different productions (serving in the role of assistant director), this is my first time directing a full length play. With just a few days left till opening night, I am extremely excited and feel blessed to have the support of the wonderful team I’m working with and from so many others outside of Theatre Junction.
Friday 26th and Saturday 27th at the British School Auditorium starting 7.30 p.m.
Directed by: Anushka Senanayake Cast: Chalana Wijesuriya, Shazad Synon, Dinoo Wickramage, Sulo Perera & Tasmin Anthonisz  
Tickets available at the British School in Colombo & priced at Rs. 1000, Rs. 750 and Rs. 500
By Nivedha Jeyaseelan
Pics by Shehal Joseph



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