Murder of Jiah Khan confirmed

Oct 07 2013.

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Forensic experts confirm Jiah Khan was murdered 
The late starlet’s legal advisor Dinesh Tiwari has issued a letter that suggests a belt was used to choke the Nishabd actor to death before she was hung from the ceiling fan to make it look like a suicide
Last week Jiah Khan’s mother Rabiya Amin Khan moved the Bombay High Court petitioning for a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe into her daughter’s death, alleging that it had been murder. In a major twist to the late actor’s suicide case, it is now suspected that the 25-year-old was choked to death with a belt.
After confirming this with forensic experts, Jiah’s legal advisor Dinesh Tiwari has issued an official letter stating, “After analysing the photos and other relevant material and from the medical experts, enough evidence has now been gathered, which clearly indicate that Jiah’s death is not a suicide as claimed by Mumbai Police. Forensic experts now deduced that a belt has been used to strangle her (Jiah) to death before she was actually hung from the ceiling fan to make it look like a suicide. The prominence of unexplained ligature marks on the neck, very visible injury marks on the body of Jiah coupled with many other pieces of evidence both material and circumstantial clearly indicate an enormous amount of foul play. We strongly feel that the Police have not been competent or have been compromised in their approach and have done a shoddy investigation in their matter for reasons best known to them.”
Rabiya and her lawyer Dinesh have already moved a Criminal Petition in the high court to get the matter reinvestigated by the CBI. 


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