Meet the cast of “Here For A Fit On”

Nov 26 2014.

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Indu Dharamasena’s hilarious new comedy “Here For A Fit On" is set to go on boards over the weekend. The play revolves around Dr. Premjith Suwadena, an excellent doctor, who is also a casanova.  And as expected with Indu’s plays all hell breaks loose when his former flames all happen to be at the same place.

Indu Dharmasena plays the randy doctor. The unsuspecting Bandu is played by Anoop Kapukotuwa. Nihili Senarath plays Sumi while Anjana is brought to life by Sanwada Dharmasena. Chithranga Kariyawasan, who has acted as the Dubai returned Lucy in Indu’s Tommiya series, brings to life the colourful nosey neighbour Gloria. Sumi’s cocky and influential husband is played by Abbasali Rozais. The naïve Anushika who’s there for a fit-on is played by Senalli Rathnayake. Neshika De Silva plays a cameo role as the haughty Renuka. And the two body guards are played by Yasal Ruhunage and Keshan Keitch. I got a chance to ask the cast about their roles and this is what they had to say.

Indu Dharmasena

"In general, doctors are treated like gods. And Dr. Premjith is using the fact that the patients venerate him to seduce his female patients who are neglected by their husbands and are looking for affection and attention. It is fun to play this role, because in real life I wouldn't be caught dead in a situation like this. I am enjoying the rehearsals, because this cast takes direction, and their input in interpreting the characters have made the roles more colourful. I must say having an actual doctor in the cast has helped me to play a doctor (even though Dr. Chithranga is not into any extracurricular activities like Dr. Suwadena)."

Sanwada Dharmasena

"Anjana is naïve and truly believes that the doctor cares about her, even though the doctor has been avoiding her like the plague and basically moved on to the next patient. I feel sorry for her. But then you do have women who do believe anything some men say and she is DEFINITELY one of them."

Chithranga Kariyawasan

"Gloria, the next door neighbour! She's nosey, pushy and a hypochondriac. Any reason to see a doctor. She only adds to the chaos in this play. It is great fun playing this role. I have always enjoyed acting with Indu and this is one of my favourite roles."

Neshika De Silva

"I play Renuka, Indu's wife - the actual one and I show up at the very end when the good doctor's web of lies is falling apart. She's not like his other girlfriends and not very enamoured with the infamous Dr Suwedena."

Abbasali Rozais

"Mahen is a businessman and his father is a politician. He's an arrogant, self-centered fellow, used to getting whatever he wants. He is a womanizer. His wife is having an affair with the doctor and unbeknownst to her, Mahen himself is having it off with a younger girl. Given that the character is antithesis to my own, it's fun and somewhat challenging to portray."  

Senalli Ratnatunga

"I play Anushika who is Mahen's 'Kella'. I would say Anushika is quite spoilt and takes advantage of Mahen's power to get what she needs."

Anoop Kapukotuwa  

"Bandu is the assistant to designer Maithree Sri Hadakarana. He gets sent back to Colombo from an assignment because he gets a bad attack of the flu. His presence disrupts the plans of Dr Premjith Suwadena's who had planned on using Maithree's place for 'confidential consultations'. Bandu is an effeminate character. This is the first time I'm playing an effeminate role on stage. It's been an interesting challenge to say the least. Indu has always cast me in roles that are different from one another. I like that because it gives me the opportunity to try things out and improve as a performer on stage."

Tickets priced at: Rs.2000/- , Rs.1500/-, Rs.1000/- and Rs. 500/-(Balcony – Unreserved) and are available at the Lionel Wendt.

Interviewed by Reihan Stephen


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