Jul 23 2015.
views 1354How to make happiness a habit!
Most people have no control over their feelings. When something good happens, they’re ecstatic. When something goes wrong, they’re depressed. It’s like an emotional roller coaster. But only a very few people can maintain happiness throughout any situation; unfortunately, I’m not one of those people. The good thing though, is that I’m trying really hard to be optimistic and happy, no matter how bad the situation is. These are some of the things I personally do to stay optimistic and happy, and I believe they could help you too!
Listen to happy music – I’m a huge fan of the acoustics so when I’m feeling low, I put on a trusty 8 tracks playlist and I’m instantly back in a good mood. Music releases a neurochemical called “dopamine” in our brains which in turn makes us feel happy and rewarded.
Workout, go for a run or go swimming – Have you ever seen anyone depressed after a workout? Nope. Endorphins, or “feel good hormones” are released and you instantly feel alive and more energized. When constant exercise shows results in our body, we push ourselves to do better and look better, which makes us happier.
Write - When you’re upset or depressed, write down what you’re feeling. There’s just something incredible about writing things down that make everything seem okay. By writing things down, you rationally begin to think about that argument you had with your better half, or about quitting your job because you had a fight with your co-worker. Once you’re done, you begin to realize that things aren’t as bad as they seem and you’re happier and wiser.
Cook, bake, eat - Treat yourself to a slice of chocolate tart or cook up a pasta dish and invite your friends over. Eating and cooking always puts me in a good mood! (Not so much the cleaning up though!)
Spend time with your pets - Cuddling your furry friends are scientifically proven to reduce stress levels and keep you happier.
Get a massage - AH! Massages are the best way to unwind after a hectic week at work. Go for an ayurvedic oil massage and come out feeling like a brand new version of yourself.
Read a book, fill up a warm bath and have a glass of red - sounds blissful doesn’t it?
Try to always see the good in a bad situation - This is something that requires some practice. Sometimes it’s impossible to see the good in a situation, especially when everything works against you, but sometimes if you try really hard, you will realize how blessed you are.
Don’t take things too personally - Not everything is about you! Your friend is probably really busy and that’s why she hasn’t kept in touch with you, it’s not because she’s mad at you. So don’t stress over the little things, keep an easy going attitude.
Help others - This is something I personally find SO rewarding! Taking some time off your week to teach kids or volunteer at an elder’s home is immensely satisfying! Plus, you meet so many different people and hear so many different stories, it’s impossible to be sad!
Push yourself to be better - Take a piece of paper, write down what you’re good at (eg: music, art). Then write down a set of talents you wish you had (eg: baking) and give it a shot! Who knows, you might actually be really good at it, and if you fall in love with it, maybe you’ve found a new hobby? In the meantime, improve on what you’re already blessed with! Do part-time jobs involving your interests and you will never be sad or bored again.
Travel - It doesn’t have to be out of the country; even exploring a historical monument in your town or country counts! You can learn something new and make it a date with your best friend.
Count your blessings - When you wake up every morning, count your blessings and be thankful. I believe this will make your day a whole lot better.
I asked my Facebook friends about what they do to remain happy and optimistic and this is what they told me.
Ryan Arsecularatne
I believe that the first step to being happy and positive is actually wanting to and making a conscious effort to be happy and positive. We all have our problems and bad days and negative situations we cannot control but I personally believe that I will get over it. It’s not as easy as it sounds but I always focus my thoughts on the good in my life and focus on what I want to happen rather than focusing on what I don’t want. And always, always count your blessings and be grateful for the good in your life. Trust me, there’s plenty!
Yoshitha Kulatunga
People and love! I know someone would say it’s up to you to make sure you are happy and optimistic and we usually try to avoid the word ”Love” but at the end of the day it’s the people around you, who love you, that make you feel happy and optimistic. Also sports; Cricket makes me extremely happy.
Ursula Bastianz
Singing! Singing, even if you can’t sing, at any given time would brighten up your mood! So would coffee and books.
Ushan Gunasekera
Do a job you love doing everyday. Making your hobby, a job would really make you happy. And make sure the job allows you to travel the city, the country or the world. Experience life and what it has to give, at every turn.
Sheara Emerson
Staying happy and optimistic is one of the hardest things to do. Things can get really bad some days, but when I go to bed, I try to put it behind me, knowing that when I wake up tomorrow, I can start over. Every new day is a second chance. It’s a brand new beginning, if you’re willing to see it.
Joe Tillekeratne
Happiness is a state of mind. It’s a choice. Despite the circumstances around you, you could always choose to be happy and see things optimistically. That being said it takes a lot to stay above your emotions. However, one might question the practicality of this but this is my own point of view.
Naadira Jumat
I think contentment is one of the key factors of being happy. Until you are actually satisfied with what you have achieved, you can never really be happy, because greed keeps you wanting more. Hence the unhappiness. It’s all a mind game.
By Shenali de Silva
Sachi Walpita says:
Jul 24, 2015 at 12:00 amHappiness is a choice.There's no time or a moment for it.It all depends on how you take things and how you react towards things.No ine is responsible for your happiness.It always should be taken care by your self.You shouldn't worry about what others say or think about you, do what you feel it's right and most importantly what makes you happy.Becase the key for your happiness is only on your hands.
Jul 25, 2015 at 12:00 amMost people depressed when they financially handicapped to fulfill their or their family demands.Needless to say as nowadays the cost of living is mounting day by day.With our modern lifestyle and addiction to unwanted pleasures we are spending unnecessarily. Try to limit your expenses within your income and try to make some savings.Fear about the future also contribute a lot in creating depression , hypertension and health instability that will lead to sadness.