Lindsay's dad writing tell-all

Feb 10 2013.

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Lindsay Lohan's father is writing a tell-all.
The actress's father Michael Lohan has signed a deal with the publishing company Transmedia Group to pen a memoir that will be mainly based on his complicated relationship with Lindsay but will also include some of his personal experiences and struggles. 
A source told gossip website that the book is tentatively entitled 'I'm Not Your 'Daddy Dearest' ... If I Can Turn My Life Around, Lindsay Can Turn Hers,' and he is reportedly hoping to get back at his ex-wife Dina by writing the book, which will include details about their marriage and split.
The tell-all will also focus on how he turned his own life around and became a "Bible-quoting minister, drug interventionist and successful businessman."
The 52-year-old father of six, who recently welcomed a baby boy called Landon with his fiancee Kate Major last month - has admitted part of the reason he is writing the book is that his ex-wife Dina is writing her own book and he wants to tell his side of the story. 
The showbiz patriarch's former wife is under threat of losing her home in Long Island, New York - which their daughter Lindsay bought - after Chase Bank, who provided the mortgage for the property, served court papers intending to foreclose the home and Michael recently said he believes the "wrath of God" is responsible after Dina told "lies" about him.
He said: "Dina loves the word Karma and now again, she is feeling the wrath of God - it is all coming back to her! All the lies about rape abuse, being a single mother for years, me having no relationship with my kids and more!
"It's a shame that Dina lives in such a lonely and dark world of of lies and deception!"
Michael previously sent his former wife a cease-and-desist letter after she accused him of physically abusing in the early years of their marriage and raping her on Valentine's Day in 1990 and released two photographs of herself with a black eye holding their famous daughter as a baby.
(Bang Showbiz)


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