Dec 09 2013.
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The Synchronized Swimming Team of Ladies’ College together with other talented dancers of the school is all set to bridge the gap between land and water through music and dance! The Synchronized Swimming Team includes members who represented the island at a recent competition held in Hong Kong and clinched 2 bronze medals for their display of talent.
“Dancing Through the Decade” is all set to be an array of song from yesteryear to the present day and how they’ve interpreted it through synchronized swimming and other forms of dance.
12, 13 and 14th December 2013, 7 p.m. at the Ladies’ College Swimming Pool
The purpose of the event is two-fold: bidding farewell to the current Principal of the College who has rendered 10 years of faithful service, who was also instrumental in re-introducing synchronized swimming to the school and, in keeping with tradition where a concert is put together every two years.
Students from grade four through twelve will take part in “Dancing Through the Decade” where various genres of music and dance will be brought to life on land and in water. It’ll be spectacular indeed!
Join the gifted swimmers and dancers of Ladies’ College as they make waves with a one-of-a-kind dance recital!