I'm at peace with who I am : Sunny

Jun 17 2013.

views 1367

Sunny Leone, the outsider, on coping with pressures in Bollywood
What are the insecurities of an actress who comes from out of India to work in Bollywood?
I can't talk for anyone else, but for me, I'm convinced I made the right decision to move my world to India. I just dropped everything and followed my dream.
How do you keep yourself grounded and stress-free?
I have a couple of people in my life that keep me grounded and my past experiences with life keep me calm. I realise there are far worse things that could be happening in life.
Also, just turning on the news makes me realise that I have a beautiful fulfilling life with my family and my career. If it all disappeared tomorrow, I would be okay with it because I believe everything is a stepping stone to another chapter in my life.
What advice would you give yourself and other actresses on how to handle their personal and professional life?
Make sure you have hobbies. In entertainment, sometimes you are working everyday and at other times you might have a few weeks off. In those cases, keep yourself busy physically and mentally. Spend time with your family and your friends. Also stay away from drugs and don't drink too much, it will set your mind off balance.
Do you think the actress would need family support in the country itself, or can they do without that?
Each person is different in life so I can only speak for myself. I function amazingly when my husband is with me, but I am okay on my own as well. I can handle stressful situations and figure out the solutions to them. I don't mind being by myself because I am at peace with who I am at this stage in my life.
I have set myself up here in India with an amazing group of people I can trust. To be in entertainment, you have to be able to function on your own as well as with a family member. But of course, my husband does make my life very easy for me. He makes it possible for me to just be me.


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