Identities: A Visual Engagement

Mar 14 2013.

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‘Identities’: A Visual Engagement, is the visual arts component of Colomboscope, that also includes Literature, Film and Dance. Colomboscope 2013 has adopted the theme of “Identities’ and this multi-disciplinary arts event explores the different approaches to the theme ‘Identities’ through the various disciplines.
From a visual art context, when examining how different artists have addressed the notion of ‘identities’, it is revealed that while a small percentage of artists approach the theme directly, most artists and their works have dealt with the theme subliminally. In addition, what has emerged, are the various sub-themes of ‘Identities’that include cultural, gender, sexual, institutional, political, national and of course,   personal identity.
The curatorial process and focus has been to identify and bring together relevant existing artworks in Sri Lanka, some of which have been recently created, some which have been previously exhibited, and some of which may have been produced several years ago, to create a narrative on the theme that best exemplifies the various approaches to the subject of ‘Identities’. 
It is with great pleasure that I have invited Lalith Manage, who has worked extensively with artists in Sri Lanka, to join me in the curatorial process. The curatorial selection process has been an open dialogue between the artists and the curators, in deciding what are the most interesting visual expressions that look at the concept of ‘Identities’, in a and wide-ranging and expansive manner.
The intention is that these visuals act as a stimulous to engage the viewer to observe, question or relate to how these visual artists have connected with the various concepts of identity.  It is for this reasons that these works have been selected.
We hope that this exhibition, by means of a visual approach, will enhance and compliment the discussion panels, performances,screenings of this exciting cultural event. 
Participating Artists Anoli Perera, Anomaa Rajakaruna, Aruna Vidanaavachchi, Dominic Sansoni, Janananda Laksiri,  Kingsley Gunatillake, Lakisha Fernando, Manori Jayasinghe, Pala Pothupitiye, Pradeep Chandrasiri, Priyanthi Kumari, Sajeewani Hewawitharana, Chinthaka & Poornima Thenuwara. 
22nd-24th March 2013, The Brick Studio, Park Street Mews, Colombo 2 
There will an opportunity to see some of these works and related works after the event at an exhibition held at Hempel Galleries, 30/3 Barnes Place, Colombo 7, [email protected]


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