
Nov 05 2015.

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HopeSong – a fundraiser concert to be held this November! 
HopeSong, a concert to raise funds for school supplies for children living in rural areas all over Sri Lanka, will be held on November 21 at the Barefoot Café. Today, Life Online speaks to Event Coordinator for the concert - Sanjay Pathmanathan, from the Foundation of Goodness. 
What is HopeSong? Can you describe what the concert is about? 
HopeSong is the embodiment of opportunity. What catharsis is to music, opportunity is to school supplies. The concert is a fundraiser with the proceeds going for rural children’s school supplies.  It is also an opportunity for us to not forget our privileges and acknowledge those who aren’t as privileged. 
Whom have you partnered with? 
The organizing committee consists of four entities:  The Foundation of Goodness and the Rotaract Clubs of Colombo, Colombo Regent, and Colombo Millennium City.  The sponsors backing our project are:  Asia Leisure, DriveGreen, WindForce, Cozy Sac and a generous donor named Rob Ioannou. 
Asela Perera
Can you explain what the Essential School Supplies Project is all about? 
The Essential School Supplies Program is about empowering children; allowing them to attend school with shoes on their feet, books in their bags and the freedom to take full advantage of school. The program started in 1999 and has up to date provided over 22 000 children with school supplies. Some of the communities that have benefited from this include: Seenigama, Rathgama and Morawaka. We want to ensure that no child is deprived of their basic right to an education. Why should we stand idle when we can easily extend the hand of opportunity? 
Can you name the lineup of performers for the concert? 
The lineup for HopeSong is as follows: Cosmogyral, Asela Perera, Salvage, Oshan Fernando, Larry T Hill, Svetlana Abeysekera, Suren De Kauwe, Joshua Vittachi, Dineli Sun, and Sanjay Pathmanathan. 
Larry T Hill 
Oshan Fernando
Where will it be held, and where can tickets be purchased? 
The event will take place on November 21 at 7:30pm and it will be held at the Barefoot Café. Tickets are priced at Rs.1000 and can be purchased at either the Foundation of Goodness office (30/32, Longden Place, Colombo 07) or Park Street Mews. 
For further updates, visit the official HOPESONG event page (www.facebook.com/events/308291789294541/) on Facebook. 
By Sarah Kellapatha 
Photographs courtesy Sanjay Pathmanathan / Foundation of Goodness 


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