Elevator Behaviour

Jul 30 2015.

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Elevate your behaviour. Or better yet, take the stairs! 

Elevator rides involve many seconds of unadulterated awkward. Every single glorious second you spend in an elevator will, without a doubt, seem like an eternity. Being part of a generation who choose to text the person sitting next to them, instead of say, opt for verbal conversation doesn't help either. Ergo, you're forced into a cramped space in such close contact with strangers, and actually have to - gasp! - utter a few words to dispel the general awkwardness.

Of course, there are many alternatives to conversing with your fellow earthlings. Some folks spend the elevator ride lost in their own thoughts, many resolutely avoid making eye contact, others choose to block out the world with headphones, and a select few choose to spend the time plotting world domination. Whatever your coping tactic, you can rest assured that some dolt will always ruin your chi. These crimes against humanity, in the form of bad elevator etiquette, are rude and wrong on so many levels (pun totally intended) that they should be made punishable by something equally vile.

Here are some of the most annoying types of people you will encounter in an elevator:

People who invade your personal space

Elevators aren’t always huge. In fact, many are cramped and stuffy. The last thing you need is having someone stand too close to you, so much so that you feel their breath on your face. These people obviously don’t get that they give off a serial killer vibe, and it honestly doesn’t get any creepier than that.

People who press the buttons of every floor

Kids aren't the only offenders of this annoying crime. Yes, crime! When you need to get to the 100th floor and some genius decides to press the buttons to EVERY FLOOR on the way up, the only thing keeping you from turning into a cold blooded murderer are the cameras inside the lift. That, and the fact that you're too pretty to be in jail.

People who hold the elevator on every floor to peer out

People who do this are as bad, if not worse, than those who press buttons of every floor. Either you figure out the floor you need to be on, or get to the topmost floor and make your way down until you figure it out. Oh, and you’re totally taking the stairs.

People who talk at the top of their voice on their phone

This is the texting equivalent of ALL CAPS. People on the phone are generally loud and oftentimes, obnoxious. Upon entering the elevator, their voices rise many decibels and they become even more insufferable!

People who cause injury with their belongings

In your lifetime riding elevators, you will inevitably come across some people drowning under the weight of files, bags and whatnots. Maybe that's what makes them inconsiderate enough to cause you excruciating pain on their way in and out of the elevator. Because, #sorrynotsorry.

People who “let it rip”

The absolute worst of them all, these intolerable degenerates not only choose to pass wind in an enclosed space, but also have the audacity to accusingly stare, or downright blame the flatulence on your poor, unsuspecting self! They may have not gotten the memo, but the elevator is definitely NOT the place to “Let it go”.

People who violently shove others out of the way when exiting

These insolent people, with nary a speck of decency, seem to not know that there exist words such as “excuse me please” to kindly request people to move out of your way. Instead, they metamorphose into hulk, aggressively shoving man, woman and child out of their way.

People who try to squeeze into an already overcrowded elevator

You may be packed inside the elevator like sardines in a tin, on the verge of hyperventilating thanks to various disgusting odors, and gasping for the last bit of breathable air. This doesn't seem to deter these people who are more intent on wrestling their way into the elevator, than stand out like a decent person and wait for it to come back.

By Rihaab Mowlana


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