Dating Dealbreakers

Jan 25 2016.

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They say men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Unless of course, they're collectively in agreement with the biggest dating deal breaker : gross personal hygiene. 
It's not always easy to find Mr. or Ms. Right. While your date may seem cookie cutter perfect at face value, you soon find yourself dealing with gradually emerging deal breakers that are unfortunately part of the package deal. Before long, you're ready to call it quits. 
Without a doubt, some deal breakers are understandably hard to overlook and eventually outweigh any redeeming qualities the individual may possess. But it pays to be in the know, in order to avoid the pitfalls. So we asked a few men and women - “what would you consider to be your biggest dating deal breakers?”. 
Here's what they had to say: 
Bad grammar, bad teeth, dirty hands and a show off! 
Stupid, ignorant, sexist, racist remarks, bad hygiene, boastful and un-gentlemanly! 
Being a non-feminist. Derisiveness. Being conservative to an extreme. Unkindness and lack of generosity. 
Well I definitely don't like if my partner shows off, is boastful, rude, suspicious, not understanding, etc.. if he has these kind of qualities, I will never date him. I'm more attracted to a simple, down to earth character and maybe that's why I'm still dating the same guy since 2005. 
I hate selfish people like let's say when you're in bed and he wants you to do all the work. Bad dental hygiene. People who listen to techno only. Sticky hair. Men who put women down in general. 
Bad hygiene, lack of a sense of humour, and lack of empathy - in no particular order (and just off the top of my head). 
Overly feminist. Not being interested in the romantic aspect of things. Believing oneself to be superior than others. Being monotonous in personality. Not being interested in trying new things (things that aren't self-destructive). Being too self centered. Lacking a sense of fashion (as in not putting in the effort to be at least a little put together). Being too much of a conformist. Not being interested in getting to know me. Also, a lack of a certain degree of social and intellectual maturity. 
Bad hygiene. Lying. Not willing to compromise. Being an extremist in anything. 
Lack of self respect, bad hygiene, disrespectful to others, bad sense of humour, lack of intelligence, negativity towards anything in life, being two faced, betrayal and lastly thinking she is IT! 
By Rihaab Mowlana 


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