Colin Farrell visits sick children

Dec 30 2012.

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Colin Farrell spent Christmas Day (25.12.12) visiting sick children.
The 'Seven Psychopaths' actor - who has two sons James, nine, and Henry, three, from previous relationships - reportedly bought and delivered more than a hundred gifts to young patients in Our Lady's Children's Hospital in his native Dublin, Ireland.
According to parents of the patients, the 36-year-old Irish heartthrob arrived at the hospital completely unannounced on Tuesday and delighted families by spending several hours chatting to the children and staff, as well as giving them gifts.
Colin reportedly makes an annual visit to the hospital during the festive season.
Roy Wenman shared a photo on Facebook of his sick son Max with Colin, saying: "Look who came to Crumlin Hospital today and popped in to see Max. Colin Farrell comes in every Christmas Day for the last few years to visit the kids - no press - no photographers - just him and pressies - What a gent (sic)"
Another user posted a picture of the actor with a small baby, saying: "He arrived unannounced (not even his publicist knew of his plans) with hundred of gifts to spend time with the sick children. (sic)"
The reformed alcoholic - who has been completely sober for more than seven years - has become particularly interested in the welfare of children since becoming a father and previously revealed he "almost broke in half" when his son James, who suffered from Angelman Syndrome, a neuro-genetic disorder with symptoms including intellectual and developmental disability, seizures, jerky movements and sleep disturbances, took his first steps.
He said: "We share in the smallest victories; the first words at age six or seven, being able to feed oneself at 19, and getting the seizures under control. When James took his first steps at age four, I nearly broke in half!"
He went public with James' condition when the little boy was four years old, and says he was inspired to do so after watching the Paralympic games in Shanghai in 2007.
(Bang Showbiz)


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