Castle Season 8 Episode Premier - Fandoms Expressed!
For those who have being counting days for the Castle - season 8 premiere, the wait has finally ended. Last time the final episode of season 7 wrapped up neatly, with Beckett being offered to run for senator and she being torn in between becoming the captain of the precinct or taking up on the politically influential offer. However, certain unanswered questions remained a mystery especially with regard to Castle's sudden disappearance on the day of his and Beckett's wedding (I mean what's up with that?) and what's the deal with Castle's father?
However, the show did end on a minor cliffhanger on Beckett's decision, and just when you thought the show couldn't get any more interesting; season 8 episode 1 just blew our brains out. Literally.
Do not read anymore if you haven't watched the premier yet as many spoilers are ahead, but for those who have, they would definitely agree with me that the episode titled XY kept us on the edge of our seats for a good forty minutes or so. I almost screamed at the end when it said to be continued as two part episodes are always torture when you have to wait. Nonetheless it had every single element a Castle fan was looking for. It was adventurous, mind blowing, action-packed and nerve wrecking.

Starting off with Kate Beckett as the Captain of the precinct, (genius I would say) as it is what defines her; the sole purpose of her joining the NYPD to find her mother's murderer, and turning down running for senator was really good thinking, on the scriptwriters behalf. It would have taken quite the turn if she had chosen otherwise making it a politically influential scandal, us crime hungry viewers simply loathe. (I mean, who doesn't like a nice murder!). With that decision out of the way, just when you thought she had finally tied up all the loose ends of her mothers' murder, Senator Bracken is brought back to the scene, in a more messed up twist? To be honest, I am a bit tired of the Bracken sub-story but then again I suppose it was a great way to thicken the plot. Nevertheless, Season 8 premier was undoubtedly crafted very cleverly which had us all Castle fans with their jaws on the floor!
Here's what some of the fans had to say….
Castle is one TV show that I regularly follow. It used to be brilliant in all aspects. But like most of the shows that have been on air for quite awhile, Castle too is turning out to be a little dull at times. So I believe they need to make a few changes to make it more interesting and keep the show going. This is why I think the Season premiere was pretty good. Since it is a two part premiere, I would have to wait till next week to really say whether it was good or bad. It seems as if they've laid a proper foundation and the show will head in a particular direction throughout the season based on the event in the first two episodes. Hopefully, it will be a season that we wouldn't want to miss.
P.S It's definitely not Bracken who's behind this, but someone else who's bigger and more influential than he is.

This episode had everything awesome about castle all wrapped up within 42 minutes (The only things missing were Martha and 3XK), the cute playful romance of Kate and rick at the opening. Castle's quirky remarks and his geek instincts with reference to Tarantino movies and running like a child with two machine guns in his hands. This episode brought out a vast variety of emotions from Nathan Fillion as we also the serious badass side of him which we have seen and loved earlier from the episodes where Alexis went missing and the previous time that Kate went missing. I loved how they brought Alexis to the crime solving business and the relationship between castle and Alexis being portrayed again quite well compared to the lackluster performance from the last 2 seasons. The relationship between the boys was also played out well with due screen time given. Talking about relationships, I believe the the chemistry between Castle, Alexis and the new British PI was amazing. Loved the addition of that new character and hope to see more of her and her story played out in future episodes. The storyline and plot was one of the best in Castle history. It was completely fresh and totally unpredictable. The involvement of Bracken didn't feel clichéd but it actually enhanced the mystery of the plot. I was enthralled and at the edge of my seat throughout the whole episode and can't wait for episode 2. I must say that they did a great job with the premiere and it reminded me of the good old days as opposed to the last two seasons which except for a handful of episodes were quite disappointing.

It's good to see that they're trying to keep up the suspense factor, but it's all looping around and around the same old characters. There is an attempt at character background development which is visible. We can see that Ryan is finding real world difficulties in sustaining a family giving in to the possibility of running some illegal scam later on in the series to get a financial break (usual story). But the suspense factor is too early.
Nadia Buhary
Starting with a loving scene between Castle and Beckett, followed by a seemingly innocuous call from a telemarketer, the episode went into a tail spin with the disappearance of Beckett with Castle completely unaware. It was an insane episode: the spiders, the involvement of Bracken, and absolutely no clue as to what the start or end game is. It was one of those episodes you didn't want the advert breaks to show; keeping you glued to your TV sets or in my case, my laptop. Can't wait to see what's happening next! Will Castle get to Becket in time and will she stave off the impending mercenary battalion at the door? Can't believe I need to wait almost a week to find out!
By Eshani Seneviratne