Nov 20 2014.
views 887The Revolt - revolutionizing the music scene!
Having become runners up at TNL Onstage 2014 these guys have been making quite a big name for themselves. I personally have been converted to an ardent fan of their music and especially their mash ups. Known for their angelic faces yet brutal music these young musicians are certainly on the way to greatness!
How did the band form?
The band was formed by Digayu the bassist and Dharshana our drummer. Dharshana, Digayu and our guitarist Lahiru have been playing together for many years in different projects. Once Dharshana got Viroshan and Faisal to join in for vocals and guitars the band was complete.
What's the story behind the name?
The name came up after a few weeks of brainstorming. We were satisfied with "Revolt" as the result so it was decided.
What made you guys take part in Onstage this year?
We were always pretty keen to play for Onstage since our inception, but it was not possible until 2014. We love taking part in competitions because it tells you exactly how good we are as performers and musicians. Some of our best performances were at competitions and Onstage is the biggest competition of them all.
Who are your influences?
We have a diverse source of inspiration. Our vocalist Viroshan and guitarist Faisal are highly influenced by Rage Against The Machine and Limp Bizkit; whereas Digayu, Dharshana and Lahiru are huge fans of Dream Theater and Trivium. We share an interest in Eminem as well.
Any originals?
At the moment we have one completed original track and are currently in the process of recording it. We hope to do more in the future.
Who comes up with melodies for the music?
The songs are written with the melodies by whoever is inspired and we work together to perfect it.
What was it like coming runners-up at Onstage this year?
Becoming runners up was one of the best feelings of course. It is considered a major accomplishment in our career as a band. However, even without the victory we had so much fun performing with each other. It was definitely a night to remember.
Has the band planned its future?
Our main objective is to make rock and metal a genre that everyone can listen to in Sri Lanka because we currently only have a small community that appreciates metal. We hope to do so by making them have a good time listening to the rap-rock music we play.
Tell me about the band's gig at Playtrix?
Our vocalist Viroshan performs at Playtrix every Wednesday with his brother's band "Halftime". Lahiru happened to be around one Wednesday and we had an impromptu jam session as the resident band was taking a break.
What do you think the biggest obstacle you will have to face as a band that has nailed it at Onstage?
The biggest obstacle we have is the perception that Sri Lankans have of metal music. A majority of people think it's just noise so it's not easy to convince people to come for our concerts. However, things look promising because the new bands that are coming out have got their marketing sorted as well, and with our collaboration of rap and metal, it seems like the heads are starting to turn.
By Reihan Stephen
Photos courtesy: Cloud Attic