Vidusha Chamal Nathavitharana

Oct 18 2017.

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Full Name : Vidusha Chamal Nathavitharana  (Chamal is a combination of my Parent’s names, Chandraratna and Malkanthi)
Hometown : Was born in Kalubowila, but consider my hometown Deraniyagala where my father is originally from - and where I have the fondest memories at !)
Civil Status : Married.  Most definitively married.  For 17 years now…
Birthday : 9th November 1976
Passions : The outdoors - specially kayaking and hiking, travel, reading and food
Favourite Colours : Black, White, Grey and Red
Describe what you do : I help people and organizations bring 
out their best

About 11 years ago,  I used to work with him on TV. Vidusha who captivated us when he took the TEDx stage made me think, how great it is to have someone who has a well balanced life. today he speak a little more about life and what makes him click! I simply loved his humble take to life. 

How would you describe your passion for motivating people?

Motivating others is a misnomer : it can’t be done - and even if it is done it is short lived.  The key is to help them find their own motivation - which then becomes a lifelong trait.  One can in all seriousness only truly motivate oneself.

Biggest support in making this a reality?

My parents and my family - who have been absolute rocks in everything I have embarked upon - and without whose support I can’t do any of the rather crazy things I do!

Style of work? 

Hard nosed disciplinarian tempered with easy going and fun loving environment and flexibility.  I am a stickler for time, for basic discipline and results : everything else is up for grabs - but the results are non negotiable - as are values !

What is the biggest challenge most people face in workplaces? 
Finding ‘meaning’ for their work.  most feel alienation and not ‘included’…  If you know WHY you are working, it makes all the difference in the world !

Most defining moments in life? 

Going to S. Thomas’ in grade 5 : College gave me the most defining foundations in work ethic, pride in oneself, ability to work with people from all walks of life and striving and persevering until the goal is won .  Going to UK for my higher studies : taught me the value of my mother and father, taught me humility and dogged perseverance and made me very independent.  Getting married : it taught me that life is always better with someone you love in it.  Being a parent : this taught me that I no longer matter : THEY matter much more.  

What does a day of work look like? 

Get up, amble out of bed, have breakfast with the kids (NEVER leave home without a full stomach)  talk all day, hit the gym, come home, take the kids’ homework and extra work, read whilst listening to some jazz, grab some dinner, hit the sack.

If you could live  anywhere in the world, where would you choose? 

Inside the Galle Fort : or in York (UK)

Description in 3 words? 
Driven, Simple, Dutiful

If you had the power to read any mind…?

That of Dr. Ray Wijewardena !

In the spot
Thoughts on Yahapalanaya?

We bear all responsibility for whom we choose in a democracy.  

Medical Students Demands?

Fair to request we should have ONE standard (in that anyone who needs to be a Doctor must do ONE exam common to all students) : unfair to dictate how education should be dispensed (be it private or public)

Thoughts on Pride Week?

the same as mothers day, fathers day and Valentines : no need for a week - love you parents, your wife, your kids and your country ALWAYS

Thoughts on the rise in suicide rates ?

tells me that I need to be a better parent who teaches my kids how to build character and deal with tough situations - as much as teaching them subject contents and sports.

Just for Fun
Dog with a cats personality ….?

Cat with a Dog’s personality…  Cats never come and jump on you when you come home…

Underweight or overweight : underweight?

Easier to eat and put on rather than hitting the gym and starving to lose weight!

Beginning or end?

I always prefer beginnings!

Rather have kids..?

Now that I have kids, and know what it is like, kids anyday.  One can make money, rather more complicated having kids!

Funniest or most intelligent?

Already the funniest!  So, prefer to be the most intelligent!

Run or fly?



Danu Innasithamby

Danu is a Jaffna Boy with a Marketing qualification (only because he needed to study, and not because he wanted it). He has been a part of the team for seven years and is the face behind Buzz with Danu, and WTF.


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