Mar 29 2016.
views 624Laugh till you cry : The Grassrooted Trust presents V Day Tenderness on Friday 1st April
An organization that works on education and awareness around HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and Gender and Violence related issues; the Grassrooted Trust has, on an annual basis since 2011, presented an unique, gritty, modern, fact based theatrical experience that traditionally takes place on April Fools’ Day.
This year is no different as the Trust presents V Day 2016 : Tenderness. Presented in partnership with Women In Need – a key service provider in Sri Lanka for women and girls who have survived intimate partner and gender based violence, and directed by Jith Peiris and Hans Billimoria; the show is based on interviews and discussions with people from around Sri Lanka on gender based and intimate partner violence. The April Fools’ Day V Day performances have always focused on ending violence against women and girls, and seeking to provoke a discussion amongst those of us who may feel immune to what are in fact every day, startlingly common realities.
Veteran theatre personality and Co Director Jith Peiris spoke of his long term involvement with, and faith in, the work the Trust presents “I have been with the Grassrooted Trust since its inception, and their hard work and dedication to the cause has always impressed me. When Hans and Paba write the scripts for V Day, they don’t exaggerate anything to suit a theatrical purpose, they write based on reality. The fact is that the things Hans was advocating for years ago, things that were considered such social taboos, are happening today. It’s time we all became more aware and involved”.
Performing with the Trust for the third time is Sashini who delivers a monologue entitled Happy New Year “My character is a timid and obedient housewife... always conscious about upholding the image of her family and that of her husband. Her upbringing is evidently reflective of compliance and obedience. The plot actually takes a very eerie turn at the end leaving the audience to interpret it any which way they like. Portraying these stories to the public is our way of shedding some light on these issues with the hope that others will also be willing to think more openly and recognize that these issues are widespread in Sri Lankan society.”
Dharini and Dino bring ‘She Said Yes’ to life. Dharini explains "The incident that occurs in my piece not only disgusts me, but it also frightens me since it is a situation that can happen to any of us. It is very sad that the victims of such incidents have to learn to live with it due to fear of judgment and lack of support from society. This only encourages the violator to victimize more innocent girls".
Danu, along with Dominic and Anuruddha, is one of the three father figures in the play ‘Daddy’. “My role in this play is very interesting as it’s a love that is wrong, but for my character it's the correct thing. This play speaks about issues, we hope not to speak about, but the reality is a shocker - and this is the only way we will break out of our comfort zone and realize the truth” he says. Amaaya, in her first V day appearance, also stars in 'Daddy'.“The story of the girl I'm portraying has really struck me hard. No one should have to go through what she did at such a young age, at the hands of someone she trusted. I want to make sure that I do justice to her and the story she would want shared”.
Among the other performers this year are Indu who plays the role of a three wheeler driver who parks outside nightclubs and watches the world go by; Michelle, who plays a young woman who was accosted by three men and Gehan Blok who examines the loopholes of forgiveness. There will also be an interpretive dance based on research related to the abuse of trans women in Sri Lanka. The show is for adults only.
Media partners for V Day are TNL, Lite 87, Life Online, Daily Mirror and The Sunday Times. The production partner is Arinma Holdings.
V Day 2016 : Tenderness will be held on April 1st 2016, starting at 7pm at the Barefoot Café.
Tickets: LKR 1000 (Available at Barefoot Café) For Special Discounted Student Tickets (LKR 500) contact [email protected] or message Grassrooted on Facebook. To find out more visit Grassrooted on Facebook.