Apr 21 2016.
views 1779Shiromal Cooray needs no introduction. Hailing from a family who were the pioneers of the Tourist industry, Shiromal has been a trail blazer all her life.)
As the Managing Director of Jetwing Travels, the main in-bound tour operator arm of Jetwing, she focuses on the day to day operations of the 'big company' but lends her expertise to the smaller Jetwing Eco Holidays. She is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK), and holds an MBA. Prior to her entry into the travel industry she was the Finance Director of J. Walter Thompson, Sri Lanka. She is also the former Vice-President of the Travel Agents Association of Sri Lanka (TAASL) and the former President of the Sri Lanka Association of Inbound Tour Operators (SLAITO), the foremost representative body for tour operators in Sri Lanka. She is also the Chairperson of the Sri Lanka Institute of Directors.
Q 1.As a young girl, what were your aspirations and ambitions
I always saw myself as a working woman and never a stay at home housewife. Even while playing I was a teacher or a doctor and never the mother. Other than that I never had other ambitions.
Q 2.Did you join the family business through choice or was it a natural progression
Through choice. I was working in an advertising agency for almost 7 years and then joined Jetwing.
Q3. What would you say is the driving force in your life?
My Christian faith
Q 4. As a business woman what would your advice be to other young women aspiring to follow in your footsteps
I am not sure about my footsteps, but all I can say is it’s not easy (at least not for my generation) being a woman and having to juggle a home, family and a business, but it can be done, so, do not let anyone dissuade you. Have faith in your ability and stay focused. Always strive to be financially independent, the easy way for this is through a good education, so do not ever let go of an opportunity to educate yourself.
Q 5. What does Sri Lanka need to do to attract more tourists
We need to boldly tell the world our “new” story. That we are not just a cheap destination for backpackers, that we also have an “up market” product that will suit the most discerning traveler. We have many attractions in addition to our beaches. The sooner we get our promotional campaign out the better.
Q 6. The service standards in all hotels, 5 star as well as other categories and restaurants has deteriorated abysmally. What is the industry doing to rectify this situation .
I think it is unfair to say that the standards of all Hotels, restaurants etc have deteriorated.
With the increase in Tourist numbers the sector personnel have become a much needed resource. They are being “poached” by the newer entrants and the story goes on. Unfortunately, our Hotel school and the Tourism authority that trains the guides have not kept up with the rise in demand. It is happening though not at the pace it should be.
Tourists who visit Sri Lanka do rave about our product which also includes accommodation, guiding, food, attractions etc. So, whilst agreeing we need to constantly up our standards we are not all that bad either.
Q 7. Are you satisfied with the manner in which the Tourist Board operates ?
Could be better
Q 8. As Chairperson of SLID, what changes / initiatives do you hope to implement during your tenure
SLID has been evolving over the years and we have a well received Board Leadership Training programme that we conduct twice a year. Our future plans include creating an environment for more “women to be on Boards”, Helping SME’s and Family businesses to improve governance and introduce best practices to enhance performance and ensure continuity and success.
Q 9. Do you think women in Sri Lanka need greater representation in Civic as well as Corporate and Government sectors ?
Q 10. What has been the most significant moment of your career ?
Each time a satisfied guest compliments the Jetwing team, I get an immense satisfaction.
Q 11. Name 3 leaders you admire and your reasons for doing so
His Holiness Pope Francis – For practicing what he preaches and for truly following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. He is also not afraid of change and advocating it, not afraid to speak his mind in spite of the opposition. He is my kind of leader!
President Barack Obama for his audacity to hope.
Nelson Mandela- For his ability to walk away from anger and revenge and walk out of prison as a truly free human being.
Q 12. Name 3 books that have influenced you the most and why
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. – It has so many lessons on the importance of keeping a business relevant and not being afraid to start from the beginning.
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand – A great philosopher who developed a philosophical system called Objectivism. For a woman at that time, it must have been very difficult but she was courageous.
The Bible – It has a message and a teaching relevant to most situations in life.
Q 13. How does your family inspire you
By constantly challenging me…..
Q 14. What are the changes you would like to see in Sri Lanka vis a vis Women’s rights ?
I am not a feminist or an activist, but I wish women will be respected as equal by men . There has to be equal pay, men who abuse women both physically and mentally need to be rehabilitated . Equal opportunities have to be given to women at places of work, worship and at home.
Q 15. Do you think all women should have a career of some sort even if is only part time ?
Ideally yes, because I strongly advocate a woman being financially independent. However, I know this is not always possible for most women.
Q 16. Do you think abortion should be legalized
Its certainly better than endangering a mothers life by various “quacks”. However, I think young girls should be educated about the perils of unprotected sexual conduct so they do not have to face the guilt and trauma of having to choose. We do not talk about these, but we should and we should also educate the boys on their actions and the repercussions.
Q 17. What has been the proudest moment of your life to date - personal .
Watching my son do what he is so passionate about – acting and singing
Q 18. What is the single most important quality needed in a relationship be it platonic or emotional
Brutal honesty (but this has got me into a lot of trouble, and being called by many names)
Q 19. What is the single most important quality needed to be successful in the work place
Focus and passion
Q 20. How would you like to be remembered
As a human being who was misunderstood during her lifetime!
I always saw myself as a working woman and never a stay at home housewife. Even while playing I was a teacher or a doctor and never the mother. Other than that I never had other ambitions