
Jan 27 2016.

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The Full DNA - Rukshan Perera 

Composer, arranger, multi-instrumentalist and singer Rukshan Perera needs no introduction. Born to a musical family in the musical town of Moratuwa, his mother, a classical pianist, a music teacher at Princess of Wales College, Moratuwa and a church organist for almost 50 years influenced Rukshan with the first piano lesson at age five. Before long Rukshan became a self-taught guitarist and formed his first family band at the tender age of ten, composed their originals, and at age 12 performed their songs at a musical program at the then Radio Ceylon with Dr. Vijaya Corea. 

While still schooling at Royal College, Rukshan performed for the popular 70’s band “The Super Golden Chimes” as the keyboardist under Clarence Wijewardena and Annesley Malawana, and then continued with “Esquire Set” as the lead guitarist and finally with “Serendib” again as the keyboardist with Raj Seneviratne and Indra Raj, touring Asia and Europe. Rukshan was only 25 years when he retired from professional music and relocated to the USA to continue his studies and completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems, and an MBA in Management in New York. 

While at university he joined the jazz band as the lead guitarist / vocalist and studied under Milt Hinton, a famous African-American jazz bassist. After completing his degrees, Rukshan worked for Philip Morris International as the Systems Manager for twenty years, designing and implementing systems and travelling extensively in Latin America and Europe on business. 

Once again Rukshan took an early retirement from his systems career and returned to Sri Lanka to continue his musical career from where he left off! Upon his return, Rukshan launched his “Rukshan Perera Live in Concert” series with Rukshan’s originals, and has already completed five concerts to packed audiences.  His sixth concert will take place on February 7 at the Bishops College Auditorium and is in aid of the Sunera Foundation. 

Describe life growing up in Sri Lanka’s musical capital Moratuwa. 

Everywhere you go in Moratuwa you cannot escape music - it’s a good tradition to have and an enjoyable hobby. My mother, Mrs. Trila Perera was a music teacher and a church organist and my uncles were composers. We naturally followed their footsteps! 

You formed your own family band at the age of 10 and performed at the then Radio Ceylon at the age of 12. How did you accomplish this remarkable feat? 

I learnt to play the piano at age 5 from my mother, and very soon took to guitar since that was the trend back in the 60s. I was hungry to perform on stage at an early age and formed a band with my cousins and started writing songs when we were about 10 years old. Mr. Priya Peiris, a fabulous composer of many hit songs including “Cock-a-doodle-doo” heard our songs sung in harmony, and took us to Radio Ceylon for a program that was dedicated to new bands with original material handled by the famous Dr. Vijaya Corea. 

What was it like performing under such musical legends such as Annesley Malawana and Clarence Wijewardena? 

I joined the Super Golden Chimes with Annesley and Clarence at their peak to play keyboards while I was still at Royal College doing my A’Levels. It was a fabulous experience to be around this very talented and confident composer Clarence Wijewardena who was able to compose beautiful songs on the go an hour before we recorded the song at the studio. While Annesley and Clarence with their fabulous voices brought in the originality to Sinhalese songs, I focused on the Western songs and challenged myself to do songs such as “Bohemian Rhapsody” and several songs from Jesus Christ Super Star among other popular hits at the time. 

What is the single most striking difference between a band like the Super Golden Chimes of your youth and the high tech bands of today? 

Unlike today, the instruments we had back in the 70s were very limited, and without music schools, educational DVDs, YouTube and Internet, we had to learn everything on our own! Back then, the only way to prove yourself was to reproduce the song to sound like the record. Today some of the new bands have begun to move away from this trend and do their own creative arrangements. I like that. 

What was your most memorable experience when touring Asia and Europe with Raj Seneviratne and Indra Raj? 

We were the seond Sri Lankan band to go to Switzerland, and within 2 months of performing, we were booked for the next 2 years in several clubs, which triggered the next wave of Sri Lankan bands in Switzerland! While there were many fabulous European musicians, we came out strong as a band with our voices and harmony.  Raj Seneviratne had a beautiful voice and Indra Raj played Shadows songs better than the Shadows! At the time the trend was to reproduce the song like the record, and we certainly did a good job with that. We also came out strong with unique voices such as the BeeGees songs singing in falsetto and most European bands couldn’t match us with such voices. 

Do IT and music go hand in hand? 

IT as a profession is certainly different from playing music. However, today’s musical world is all on digital media and understanding computers and handling software comes in handy when it comes to recording, mixing and mastering songs. 

What was the most valuable lesson you learnt from Milt Hinton the famous African-American jazz bassist? 

He used to say “when improvising, hear the note before you play it”. This certainly comes in handy when I scat – one has to know what the note sounds like before you pluck the string in order to synchronize the guitar note and voice on the spot during improvisation. While in the USA, I performed at jazz concerts in New York and Los Angeles, did my own jazz recording with Hussain Jiffrey and Mahesh Balasuriya (two fabulous musicians), did a guest spot at a jazz event in Melbourne, and performed at the jazz festival in India with Harsha Makalande, another fabulous musican. 

What made you give up a lucrative career in the USA and return to Sri Lanka and music? 

Haha! I get this question all the time! I worked for 20 years with Philip Morris International as an IT Systems manager and traveled extensively in Europe and Latin America on work, and enjoyed it very much. When I got the opportunity to take an early retirement, I came back to do something meaningful in Sri Lanka - to spend time with my ailing father, spend more time with music, help out those in need by getting involved in charities, and enjoy this beautiful island. Today I don’t miss the corporate world or the money I was earning in the USA, but do miss the children who are all there! 

What is your favourite genre of music? 

It’s hard for me to point to a specific genre because I like and play many genres including jazz, blues, pop, fusion, acapella and even Sri Lankan music. Having said that, jazz is the most challenging genre I have found. 

Where do you draw your inspiration from for your musical compositions? 

Each song is inspired by some kind of a trigger! For example, when the war ended in May 2009, my joy was expressed through a peace song titled “One Land for All”.  Everyday news can trigger a song – a song on Malala, a song dedicated for child abuse, tributes to those who have contributed something special to the world!  Other times I write because I am asked to write specific songs for an event, for a social cause, for an organization or even an anthem for a school. 

What is your favourite instrument? 

I enjoy playing the guitar and piano. 

You have the ability to whistle in two parts together – melody and harmony simultaneously – how did you master this? 

This came very naturally to me when I was about 13 years old. Didn’t do anything specific to master it because there’s nothing written on this subject. I just did it and didn’t think much about it. 

Are you the only person capable of this particular musical feat in the entire world? 

I am not able to verify this, but have not come across anyone even on YouTube. 

Your forthcoming concert on February 7 in aid of the Sunera Foundation – what can your fans look forward to? 

My concerts are also unique in that I entertain the audience with my originals and acapella / big band arrangements of famous songs. This year I will be doing my version of famous “Master Sir” with the choir Choro Calibre, supported by the Colombo Brass Ensemble and a section of violins. My fans look forward to new material and variety every year. 

Does your wife Piyum share your passion for music? What about your children?

Yes, she is my biggest critique when I perform or when I write a song. She genuinely loves my creativity and encourages me in everything I do. She also plays the piano. While all the children enjoy music, my son is the most serious musician in the family. Though he is an IT project manager, he finds time to perform on and off, and has already done a recording of his originals. 

How did you and Piyum meet? 

At a friend’s home in the USA. 

Piyum, what is it like to be the wife of a musician who is mobbed by fans wherever he goes? 

It's fun, as I get to meet loads of fun people. 

Rukshan, what do you regret the most in your music and IT careers? 

I have absolutely no regrets in both careers and I feel I quit both careers at the right time! I was lucky to have performed with the best of bands as a teenager while still schooling, travelled around at a time not too many people had the opportunity to travel, and then while I was at the top of my career I put music on hold, and obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems and Master’s degree in Business Administration in the USA. No regrets! 

The IT career was as successful as my music career. I guess my analytical mind certainly helped me in the earlier days of IT – analyzing requirements, designing databases, programming in various languages, solving business problems through systems, and finally managing hundreds of employees and consultants around the world with large systems implementations which also gave me an opportunity to travel extensively. 

I feel blessed to have come back to Sri Lanka and continue music from where I left off, and this time also helping charities musically and otherwise. No regrets! 

What would you say was the highlight of your musical career? 

Performing with well experienced American Jazz musicians at jazz concerts in New York and Los Angeles. It was an honour for me to perform with these highly experienced musicians. 

Who are three people in history you admire most and why? 

Mahatma Ghandi, for his life sacrifice to achieve independence from the British which also helped other countries and our motherland. 

Mother Teresa, for devoting her life to serve the poor and the destitute around the world. 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, an eloquent speaker and the most influential civil rights activist in the USA who fought for equal rights for African-Americans. 

How does your family inspire you? 

As a kid, my mother’s involvement with music in and around the house was the inspiration for my musical career, and my father’s sporting ability was the inspiration for my sports. My wife inspires me in everything I do, and today I enjoy having a game of tennis / TT / bowling / pool with the children when we meet. 

What’s the happiest or proudest moment in your life? 

Receiving a gigantic challenge cup when I became the junior athletic champion in school, then ranking #2 in Sri Lanka junior table tennis team in 1972 and representing Sri Lanka. 

What’s the best compliment you ever received? 

When my table tennis coach Dr. Buddy Reid was tricked by my tricky spins during a coaching session, and how he stopped to analyze that particular shot! He gave me a smile with such pride on his face that said “well done Rukshan”! 

What advice did your parents give you that you best remember? 

Be honest and respect others. 

What’s your most cherished family tradition? 

Writing songs on special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries…etc.) and performing at home for other family members. 

Who were your heroes or role models when you were a child? 

Dr. Buddy Reid, Clarence Wijewardena, my parents. 

What do you think has stayed the same about you throughout life? 

Patience and honesty. 

How do you like to relax? 

Hanging out with friends and family, travelling, and playing a game of chess! 

If a young person asked your advice for living a good life, what would you say?

Good life is a happy and contended life. If your living style is in sync with your needs, then you’re living a good life. Money is important and can make your life comfortable, but cannot by itself give you a “good life”! 

Interviewed by Anusha David


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