Meet the cast of V Day 2016

Mar 31 2016.

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Meet the cast of V Day 2016: Tenderness, tomorrow night at Barefoot 

The Grassrooted Trust in partnership with Women In Need present V Day 2016: Tenderness, tonight at Barefoot. The show is based on interviews and discussions with people from around Sri Lanka on gender based and intimate partner violence. 

“As always V Day, in the tradition of writings to end violence against women and girls, seeks to provoke a discussion amongst those of us who may feel immune to what are every day realities for some” explains Director Hans Billimoria “They may be our reality too, but we either chose to ignore it, or prefer to pretend”. 

Comments from some members of the cast: 

Gehan Blok in “Forgive me nots” 

“It’s my first time playing a pastor. I had a typical Roman Catholic upbringing so I am enjoying the opportunity to get to question certain aspects and things we believe in. This is a whirlwind of a role, and the audience travels with him as he shifts from one mood to another, it’s a chance to really see inside his head, which in turn is really going to mess with the audience’s head!" 

Uda Deshapriya in “Daddy” 

“There are six of us in this piece. 3 fathers and 3 daughters. I play a girl who was subjected to incest. All three girls in ‘Daddy have gone through the same experience but with different end results. My character is very angry. She is an angry girl.” 

Danu in “Daddy” 

“My role in this play is very interesting as it’s a love that is wrong, but for my character it's the correct thing. This play speaks about issues, we hope not to speak about, but the reality is a shocker - and this is the only way we will break out of our comfort zone and realize the truth." 

Amaaya in “Daddy" 

“The story of the girl I'm portraying has really struck me hard. No one should have to go through what she did at such a young age, at the hands of someone she trusted. I want to make sure that I do justice to her and the story she would want shared” 

Indu Dharmasena is “Kuruduwatte Bobba” 

“I play Kuruduwatte Bobba. I am a tuk tuk driver who has been stationed outside a nightclub for the last 15 years. I am a classic hypocrite, someone who is very critical of the ‘happenings’ he witnesses every day, but at the same time makes his living off those very things that he criticizes.” 

Michelle Herft in “Ghost Infected Crotch” 

“I play a victim of gang rape. My character has become an entirely different person due to her experience, and it has made her absolutely delusional. The piece is based on an actual interview and though playing the role is a challenge, at the end of the day, getting this message out there is very important.” 

Dharini in ‘She Said Yes’ 

"The incident that occurs in my piece not only disgusts me, but it also frightens me since it is a situation that can happen to any of us. It is very sad that the victims of such incidents have to learn to live with it due to fear of judgment and lack of support from society. This….only encourages the violator to victimise more innocent girls." 

Sashini in “Trust” 

“My character is a timid and obedient housewife... always conscious about upholding the image of her family and that of her husband. Her upbringing is evidently reflective of compliance and obedience…” 

V Day 2016: Tenderness, tomorrow at 7pm at the Barefoot Café. Tickets: LKR 1000. For adults only. Directed by Jith Peiris and Hans Billimoria. 

Media partners - TNL, Lite 87, Life Online, Daily Mirror and The Sunday Times. Production Partner - Arinma Holdings.


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