Kandee Kane

Aug 01 2014.

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Kandee is that girl who can make sure your afternoons listening to radio are quite entertaining and also is quite the character when meeting her in person. Check out her take on life on radio, part of the KISS Entourage. 
How did you end up in radio? 
Well, quite honestly, while cruising around in the car, I just heard KISS 96.9 advertising for a Radio Personality vacancy, so I thought why not give it a shot, after all it would be nice to do something fun as a part time job. Applied, got called for the interview the next day, and was asked to join them. Really glad I did apply. 
You are a dancer. How do you manage to not knock things over in the studio when a good song is played? Or do you actually end up trashing the place? 
Haha, funny that you asked me that question. Of course I end up trashing the place. I can’t help but dance around when a good song comes on. I once accidentally switched off the main button that lets us hear what the listeners hear. I thought I broke the system, called Kash Love in the middle of the night, almost in tears. He asked me to relax and helped me switch it back on. Haha that was funny. 
Would you consider being in radio for another 10 years? 
That’s a tricky question, sometimes I’m not sure what I want to do tomorrow. So 10 years is quite a long time. But yes, all in all I’d still love to be in radio. 
What do you think is the best thing about coming to work at KISS? 
The KISS ENTOURAGE. Those guys are just fabulous to work with. There’s Kash Love and Kayden King who are just completely whack when kept together. You should listen to their morning show. It’ll literally make you LOL.  Then there’s the amazing Jaque Carter and KayDee who are out of this world DJs, Kassie and Kenzi, absolute cuties. Then there’s Danny. Danny has a great sense of humorous sarcasm, which by far in my opinion is unbeatable. They are my favorite part about KISS.  From day one, they have been extremely supportive, and to date nothing has changed. 
What was the creepiest thing a caller has told you? 
Haha, there are two things actually, 
1) So I get this call and the guy is like “Please, can you say my name? Please I want to hear you same my name”, and I’m like “excuse me” and he replies saying “I just want you to say my name, please” in a very creepy voice. Gave me the jeepers.
2) This other guy called in during the request show, and was like “can I have kiss me through the phone?” and I was like “Soulja Boy, coming right up..” and he goes like, “no, I want you to kiss me though the phone”. Yeah, that was creepy alright.  
By Reihan Stephen


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