Apr 21 2016.
views 323Instances you felt like life was kicking you hard!
1. When you plan the perfect outfit and then the zipper of your dress or pants doesn’t work. Or you put on the outfit and it just doesn’t work out. Ladies I know you can relate to this one! And some men too!
2. When your laptop or phone battery is dying and you plug it in to charge and there is an islandwide power cut for 5 hours! I know for sure all of you can relate to this one.
3. When you accidently wash a coloured top with your white clothes and all of them are ruined!
4. When you are at a party and you are crushing on this guy and later on you find out that he is your long lost cousin! (ewww) Why can you never have the good looking ones! Sigh…
5. When you drop you phone accidentally and watch it happening in slow motion! You are only able to scream and your hands and legs remain numb.
6. When you are almost at the bus or train station and you watch it take off! You are running behind it helplessly but only end up looking like a fool…
7. When you completely misunderstand the theme to a party and everyone stares at you when you enter…
8. When you read the wrong book or article and the lecturer picks you of all days to give the summary…
9. When you take off or put on jewellery in the bathroom and your favourite earring falls down the drain… Again you watch it in slow motion, unable to move. Sigh…
10. When your parents force you to go out for dinner and you dress shabbily in protest and on that day Kumar Sangakkara (or anyone else you like more, but who else??!!) dines at the same restaurant! And you are too ashamed to go ask for a photograph.
11. When you select delete all instead of delete one on your phone or camera!
12. When Sri Lanka is winning the match (I know it’s not happening often) and again the electricity goes off!
By Jithendri Gomes