Is sex education a must

Sep 18 2015.

views 821

Sex education in schools : A must or not?
School curriculums often take different courses for the sole purpose of educating children on various dimensions. With the emergence of sexual harassment and other crimes related to sex and with practices such as pre-marital sex, many people at the decision-making level proposed the introduction of sex education in school curriculums. Is this a wise step? Or does it help at all? The Daily Mirror Life spoke to a few individuals regarding this decision. 
These things should be taught in schools so that children will know what to do and what not to do. 
I think before they are exposed to these topics on text books, they are already aware of them via social media sites and other mediums. 
Definitely a wise step but it needs to be practiced. I don’t think international schools would include it in detail but the national curriculum covers it in depth. 
The depth of it is not satisfying. I think this age of technology has already taught children many more than what they would learn from books. 
Effective implementation of these courses is required. 
N. A Graetian 
A topic still not spoken properly. We hear all sorts of abuse, harassment being done. If these people were educated they wouldn’t have gone this far. 
Cyril Jayawardena 
The youth like to engage in risky behaviours. Therefore in my point of view there needs to be a legal framework to control them. 
By Kamanthi Wickramasinghe
Photographs by Nisal Baduge


  1. gerald says:

    if we are to develop. high time authorities include sex ed from an early age. even if youth discover this online it might not be the right information or it could be even confusing.

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