In Conversation With Iresha Asanki

Jul 15 2016.

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Iresha Asanki: Living A Childhood Dream 

Iresha Asanki De Silva, a product of Buddhist Ladies’ College emerged as Siyatha Lux Miss Sri Lanka for Miss World 2013, turning her childhood dream into a reality. Although her journey was not a bed of roses, Iresha’s victory back in 2013 encouraged her to continue her dream career. Speaking to Life Online, Iresha shared her experience as a model. 

Why did you want to enter a beauty pageant? 

I had a childhood dream of becoming a model one day. I got to know about this pageant from a paper article and thereafter I applied. I never thought I would win because the competition was tough but when I heard my name being announced as the winner it was a huge surprise. 

Have you participated in any other pageants before? 

I participated in a pageant called ‘Models of the New Generation’ back in 2011 where I won a few titles including ‘Body Beautiful’ and ‘Miss Continental Queen’. Then in 2012 I was named the Best Female Model in a competition titled Supermodel International. I was chosen as one of the best ten models among participants representing 43 countries at the Supermodel International event the same year. 

Let’s talk about your career. Is it challenging or are you enjoying it? 

Sometimes it becomes very hectic but then again at the end of the day I am happy with what I am doing. We have to work with different people and sometimes it is a bit of a challenge. 

Are you planning to step in to the film industry? 

At the moment I am concentrating only on modelling. In THE future I might consider it given the opportunities. 

What is your message to amateurs in the field? 

It’s always good to be humble and do what you are doing to the best of your ability. Sometimes people forget their roots once they become models, but that shouldn’t be the way. 


I would like to thank my family, Sangeetha Weerarathne, Sherin Kumarathunga and everybody else who has helped me to achieve my dream. 

Keep reading Life Online for further updates of the Siyatha Miss Sri Lanka 2016 pageant! 

Photographs by Waruna Wanniarachchi


Kamanthi Wickramasinghe

A psychology graduate who eventually became a journalist to be a voice for unheard voices. A proud Sri Lankan - Thalassophile - Travel fan - Nature lover - Chocoholic - Extraordinarily loud - Frequent laughaholic. Follow me on Instagram - @kamzylifeTM or FB – Kamanthi Wickramasinghe


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