Gishan Wijesundera

Jul 17 2014.

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A Diverse Hobbyist – Gishan Wijesundera

Almost everyone in the contemporary have a past time or hobby amidst their busy and tight schedules. Let it be collecting stamps, old coins, miniature models, books or antiques but there are only a handful of individuals who collect many different varieties of items.

Gishan Wijesundera (23) from Royal College has been collecting miniature model cars starting from his days as a young toddler. Having started collecting more detailed model cars from the year 2000, Gishan is also an avid collector of stamps and coins but collects miniature model cars more enthusiastically since like all boys and men, he has a passion for cars. His collection is comprised of over 300 model cars from different scale sizes. A scale model is a physical model, which is a representation or a copy of an object, which in this case is a miniature vehicle, which is larger or smaller than the actual size of the object. Autoart, Minichamps, CMC and SunStar and not forgetting Matchbox, the brand of toy cars he started collecting from his younger days.

Most miniature car collectors dream is to have their customized fleet of toy cars where Gishan has started painting his set of miniature cars in the color schemes, which the manufacturers of the actual car make, had given out and he’s yet to master the skill of customization. He’s more into collecting Mercedes Bens since it is his most favorite automotive brand and is a way of life for him. Gishan is particular about selecting his model cars where he tends to collect the rare models of Mercedes Benz, which are not being produced at present. His collection of model cars keeps expanding daily and when asked about how he keeps these model cars at home, with a grin he says “ I keep them everywhere in my house”.

By Migara Wijesinghe


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