Game of Thrones S6

May 05 2016.

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Game of Thrones S6 Premiere:  Fans Weigh In!

Proceed with caution: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!

Game of Thrones is one of those series you have a love-hate relationships with, but you’d rather end up chugging hot coal rather than quit watching. Gory deaths and all. So with last season's cliffhanger gnawing at our curious minds, the wait for the new season couldn't have felt more like an eternity. So when the new episode finally aired, social media was buzzing with the fans disappointment at a certain character still being… dead. Much has changed - or not - now that the second episode has also aired.

We caught up with a few of the biggest GoT fans in the midst of the various stages of a GOT episode hangover, and they shared their views - and then some - on the highly anticipated season 6 premiere. Here's what they had to say.


It was entertaining, definitely. But I’m completely not a Jon Snow fan, so the first 15 minutes was just a necessity to be endured. It was nice to see Cersei wasn't bald. And she looked nice up until she found out Myrcella died.

I was very sad about Trystane Martell's death because he was gorgeous and could have been a promising character. Also, a spear in the face is a very bad way to go, especially for someone that yummy.

The Daenerys storyline was a bit tired - her being treated like a slave and all. But the one of her Dothraki captors was gorgeous and looked like Drogo minus the tattoos, so I guess it was okay. The ending when she mentioned who she was was nice though; titles and all.

I liked the tender Jaime and Cersei moment. I know they're brother and sister but I still root for them because they are so pretty. And their children are/were gorgeous. Also Cersei is an alcoholic b**** and that works for me.

The Tyrion and Varys part was pointless. Just talking about nothing particularly interesting and wailing around til someone sets the port on fire. I felt that part was particularly riveting.

The Sansa-Theon story was nice. Sansa needs to grow up a bit though. She grew up last season after she watched her aunt get thrown through the moon door but then lost it again when she married Ramsay, which is a shame because she could have become the super b**** of the North.


For me, Season 6: Ep 1 was long awaited mainly because I was curious to know the fate of Jon Snow, after that cliffhanger in the Season 5 finale. 

Unfortunately, it seems like so far he's CLEARLY dead, but I'm really hoping he is revived soon! 

The Sand Snakes winning against House Martell was inevitable, though the deaths were played out almost too easily. But the question remains: Who will rule Dorne after Doran's death? 

Daenerys' fall from Queen to a mere slave of the Dothraki was ironic, considering how she herself was once a Khaleesi. I really hope she isn't going to be subjected to a Dothraki life as a widow, because I'm rooting for her to be one of the final people to fight for that Throne! 

I'm glad that Sansa Stark is finally free, and it feels like she will have a big role to play towards the end of the season (Could she become a warrior herself? Who knows!) 

It's going to be interesting to see Cersei and Jaime Lannister take on everyone, for I believe that the loss of all their children will make them stronger than ever. 

The biggest shocker for me though, had to be the revelation of Melisandre's secret in the closing scene of the episode. Who knew that behind the guise of the stunning Red Woman was a haggard, stooped old woman?! Honestly, I think that one scene is forever ingrained in the minds of all viewers. 

Plus, this leaves us with more questions and anticipation. Will Melisandre's "necklace & portion of youth" be used to bring back Jon Snow from the dead? I guess for me, that is the one main thing I'm looking forward to find out in the upcoming episodes. 

The writers of GoT definitely did a good job of making this an unforgettable season premiere!


Game of Thrones is a TV gem I hold dear since its inception. Strictly because the ecosystems around kingdoms are far from being a fairytale. There’s blood, death and indecent sex that happened throughout the years; and what portrays those elements more than GoT. For the last 5 seasons the story telling was flawless. It had a good pace, even the season premiers were handled smoothly by the GoT think tank; but S06E01? Not so much. I felt the storytelling was a bit rushed compared to previous episodes aired. 

The dialogues seemed a bit off, especially the conversation with Tyrion and Varys felt like D&D just wanted to sneak a massive story somewhere in there. We did see Cersei and Jaime having a moment but that too had ruined by giving lack of time for the audience to connect with them. Lena Headey is a specialist in giving ultra-emotional performances throughout the series (those were massive key moments actually) but again the director has failed to capture what Cersei does the best. 

Alliser Thorne has become a reasonable guy than the last season which again vaporizes the villainess presence inside Castle Back which feels not so GoT like; other instance was where Brienne finds Sansa, which was bit of a happy moment regarding GoT standards, and causes us to believe that doomsday of Brienne can be nearer than we anticipated. 

Yet most of the GoT elements were still present, such as how brave and badass the Mother of Dragons is. And finally Melisandre, what shocked me is how amazing that CGI plus prosthetics was.


The Sand Snakes ruled. Dany became the Queen of Nothing. Ser Davos was the man. And then Shrek ft. Gollum happened. 

I like the way how all the relatively minor characters came into the bigger picture. Ser Davos, Jon's brothers of the Night's Watch, and even Podrick. I like how they make the game changing decisions while the main characters are either lost, grieving, aged or frozen. 

By Rihaab Mowlana


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