Aug 16 2024.
views 163The Earle de Fonseka Trust will present ‘Dushy & Ramya in Concert’ featuring two well-known musicians, Dushyanthi Perera (on cello) and Ramya de Livera Perera (on piano), on Thursday 22nd August 2024 at 7.30 p.m. at the Lionel Wendt Theatre. The concert is a tribute to Dr. Earle de Fonseka, who was the conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka for almost 40 years, from 1961 until his death in 2000. The Earle de Fonseka Trust strives to ensure that his legacy lives on. Dr. Earle de Fonseka was an iconic figure in the field of western classical music in Sri Lanka in the 20th century and this concert is a fitting memorial to a great musician of Sri Lanka. While he was best known as the conductor of the SOSL, he was also a gifted pianist, violinist and singer who was passionate about chamber music.
The concert will feature works by J.S. Bach, Rachmaninov, Faure, Hindemith, Cassado and Popper. Tickets are priced at Rs.7500/=, Rs.5000/=, Rs.4000/= and Rs.3000/= (reserved) and Rs.1500/= (Balcony – unreserved) and are available at the Lionel Wendt Theatre office. All proceeds are in aid of the Lanka Alzheimer’s Foundation. The Daily Mirror sat down for a chat with Dushy and Ramya.
Q WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS SPECIAL ABOUT THE CELLO? There are many reasons which make it special – the most important being that its tone, range, depth and warmth are very close to the human voice. As a result the cello is capable of great expression.
Q WHICH WORK AT THIS CONCERT PRESENTS THE GREATEST CHALLENGE FOR YOU, AND WHY? The Rachmaninov Cello and Piano Sonata – because it is such a careful balance of rhythmic motifs set against the most sweeping and beautiful melodies. It is a canvas on which moods and colours are constantly changing. Rachmaninov was a pianist, hence the piano part is so dense and complex that the cello has to weave its way through it without getting lost or overshadowed.
Q WHY DID YOU CHOOSE AN UNACCOMPANIED WORK BY BACH? Because I feel a recital is not complete without a work by Bach, whose unaccompanied suites are seminal works that are an integral part of any cellist’s repertoire. The true versatility of the instrument, its capability to sing in many voices and its ability to shine in its purest form are revealed in unaccompanied Bach.
Q WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT COLLABORATING WITH RAMYA? Having played together since we were young, we understand each other very well and are able to feel the music together. We have performed a wide repertoire of music over the years. We also have a lot of fun during rehearsals. Ramya is one of the most joyous and bubbly people I know, and this is communicated through her playing.
Q WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE AN ASPIRING YOUNG CELLIST? Playing the cello has to be your innermost passion. There are no shortcuts - though talent is important, there are no substitutes for commitment and practice.
Q WHAT WOULD YOU SAY ARE THE CHALLENGES OF COLLABORATING WITH ANOTHER MUSICIAN?Challenges exist, whatever instrument you collaborate with. When playing with a cellist one must be aware not to overpower the bass line and the lower tones produced by the cellist.
Q WHAT DO YOU FIND MOST REWARDING ABOUT REHEARSING FOR THIS CONCERT? Playing with Dushy. The rehearsals, though intense, are fun. Dushy is very special to me in many ways. She has a lot of patience when working out the musical essence and interpretation of a composition. We have played together for a long time and we understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Q WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE WORK AND WHY? The Rachmaninov Cello and Piano Sonata. It has some beautiful melodies shared between piano and cello. Each of the four movements has different thematic material to work on.
Q IF YOU HAD TO RECOMMEND ONE OF THE WORKS YOU ARE PERFORMING TO SOMEONE UNFAMILIAR WITH THE CELLO, WHICH WOULD IT BE? The Rachmaninov Sonata, as the cello can produce a wide range of notes and colouring from light to dark shades within this composition. The piano part is like a concerto with intricate and virtuosic passages.
Q WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE A YOUNG PIANIST STARTING ON A CAREER IN PERFORMING CLASSICAL MUSIC? The discipline of practising daily even for a short duration is very important. Try to set goals for yourself and enjoy the practise.
By Lishanthi Wijewardene