Mar 24 2016.
views 422How many of you have already forgotten that we celebrated International Women’s Day just a few days ago? It’s one of those occasions that brings out mixed reactions. And I find some of them funny! I know I shouldn’t. Listed below are the types of feminists that I see in society; which kind do you identify most with?
1. The Celebratory Feminists
These are the people who will take the opportunity and have a celebration! Now I find nothing wrong with that. But most of them also happen to be the ones that forget about it in a couple of days. You also find restaurants, TV channels, and organizations etc. that launch special programmes or offer special deals on that day. I personally enjoyed the movies and special shows on TV. As much as I understand the serious issues that women face, I also know that you don’t always have to be a pessimist.
2. The Radical Feminists
These are the women who openly declare themselves as radical feminists and make some noise about it. They also get offended for making International Women’s Day a big deal. They absolutely detest men. They get offended if a man volunteers to help them out in a physically challenging task. There is nothing wrong with asking for help to change a flat tire or carry a heavy bag. I know it’s a ‘man’s world’ (I love that song!) but honestly I don’t know if this is the right approach.
3. The Feminist Man
Who says only women are feminists? I find nothing more attractive than a man who declares himself as a feminist! Society has a mistaken presumption about a man who is a feminist. It simply means that these men understand the challenges faced by women and that they support our cause. These are also the men who treat their women right. Who wouldn’t want to be with someone like that?
4. The Cynical Feminist
Well this group may include a majority of men. BuzzFeed published an article off Twitter reactions to International Women’s Day in India, and well ‘surprisingly’ most of the men were offended that there was no men’s day! But, there is an International Men's Day on November 19, which just isn't celebrated as much. I mean I understand that some men feel offended that they are never get the better deal at restaurants or parties but seeing that article first made me laugh and then made me realise how biased and unaware some people can be. To be fair you also find women who feel like men are unfairly treated. You also get women who become feminists just to take advantage of being a woman.
5. The Balanced Feminist
Just because you are woman and identifies yourself as a feminist you don’t have to be a radical one. It is important to know and understand the challenges faced by women and try to improve things. At the same time you must respect men and ask for help if you need it! It doesn’t make you less of a feminist. I think women must be celebrated and treated right every day. And I admire men who make an effort to respect and treat the women in their lives right.
The type of feminist you identify yourself with really depends on the life experiences you’ve had. If you are a women who has been denied opportunities just because you are one, then I understand that you are a radical feminist. Whereas the others may find it easier to be a balanced feminist. And well the men who declare themselves as feminists, you my friend are to die for!
By Jithendri Gomes