Feb 16 2016.
Remember Ryan Reynolds from X-Men Origins movie in 2009? No. Nobody wants to remember that. In life you only get a few chances, most of the time, but for Ryan Reynolds, he was given the opportunity to recreate the foul-mouthed mercenary right from scratch.
This movie isn’t for the faint of heart, or for my fellow citizens who get offended easily. Yes, I understand this is a superhero movie, but not your average web slinging, is crime fighting super hero, nah ah – Deadpool here to inject life into the super hero genre and save it from the slow yet certain death of super hero clichés.
For those non-comic book folks out there, Deadpool was initially created as a villain in the 90’s, marvels most unconventional anti-hero, and this movie will be touching the origin, so there’s nothing you’ll be missing out on.
Let’s dive into the Movie Review.
“This ain't a love story, it's a f****** horror story”
The movie opens with Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds), Ex-Special Force mercenary, who falls in love with Venessa (Morena Baccarin) a prostitute, and they realize how well they go with each other due to the dark pasts they share, and then the movie fast forwards to how happy they are together until tragedy decides to strike them in the face. Not literally, but close.
It is revealed that Wade is suffering from a late stage of cancer in his liver, lungs, prostate and brain and is left with the question whether or not to watch his love watch him die, only until he is struck by a special offer made by a mysterious man, who claims that he could cure his cancer and give him abilities of a super hero, all these scenes are shown on the trailer. Wade having no other choice puts his life in the hands of a bald, intimidating doctor named Ajax (Ed Skrein), to only find out that this facility turns people into super slaves instead of super heroes , resulting in giving wade super human abilities and a hideous appearance, but also a deep, deep desire for bloody thirsty revenge.
This movie not only understands and embraces what makes the red-and-black-suited psycho special, and utilizes those elements to inspire a fantastical, R-rated, one-liner-filled blast. This movie is literally the most honest comic book adaptation, as it puts everything on the table from his gleeful abandon during fights (knowing that he will always heal) to his distinct ability to break the fourth wall, and matched with perfectly-toned superhero cynicism it comes together stunningly well.
We all have to be grateful for marvels utmost love for Marvel Comics’ most notorious anti-hero, for keeping it real, not to mention Director Tim Miller, Deadpool marks his first film as director. Deadpool was written by Rob Liefeld and Fabian Nicieza who are the creators of the character with help by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. This is probably one of the few comic book movies that's had the original creators input so intrinsic to the actual realization of the film. Last but not least their deadliest weapon Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds, for being given a second shot to prove the world that he is the only actor to the “Merc with the Mouth”, He made the movie a constant laugh-out-loud and saved a place in a genre of its own.
Here are some comments by the fans.
Tikiri Rathnayake
“It would have been better if they showed the R Rated version without censoring the triple headshot and all”
Chanka Hettige
“The movie was all what you wanted and all that you didn't expected. There's nothing to spoil about it cause it's a typical plot. But the execution of that plot gets a 12/10! So it's a hilarious ride from starting credits to post credit scene (Why the Kurunegala Sinexpo didn't bother to show as our people 'usually' don't respect the credits of a movie). So overall is an awesomely great ride!”
Lahiru Perera
“So good that it’s almost a must to see it 2 3 times”
Eyas Fazool
“Well, I like the comedy, but some of it is too much for the Sri Lankan audience! I mean there were Ohio references and stuff that people would possibly never get, the audience were just laughing when he says d**k or something lame like just taboo words”
Isuru Jayasooriya
“End credits scene was off the charts.”
Danushka Gunaratne
“I am a huge fan of deadpool and his movie was so good i ended up watching it 3 times by this weekend just to satisfy my inner fanboy! A solid A+ from me!”
You should definitely see Deadpool. Why? Because Deadpool is dead funny, and by the way I advise you to wait till the end because there’s a special extra end credit scene.
By Zeeshan Akram Jabeer