Checking Out Dr. Nilanthi Fernando

Jun 08 2015.

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Dr. Nilanthi Fernando-Nanayakkara is a consultant neurologist and senior lecturer at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the University of Sri Jayawardenapura. A mum of one little girl, Dr. Nilanthi has traversed the world but opines that that there is no place like home. She loves travelling within Sri Lanka as she finds the changing landscape and the people enchanting.

Why do you love travel?

The reasons why we love to travel are as varied as the destinations we travel to! For me it's the excitement of planning something different and the experiences that await in addition to meeting people from different cultures.

Your favourite travel destination and why?

Currently, it's Sri Lanka! Since the ending of the war, it has opened whole new vistas. There are so many places to see and learn about our country as a whole.

What do you need for a perfect holiday?

I don’t like to “rough it out” so definitely a modicum of comfort and luxury are a must.

In which country have you felt most at home?

In the United Kingdom, as I spent many of my formative years there as a child.

Most unusual souvenir you have brought home?

A tiny gold flower that my mother found whilst we were out walking across the Frenchay Commons in the UK,  which I have recently given to my daughter.

Worst holiday or travel experience?

On a flight, when a middle-aged patient developed a severe chest pain and the captain asked whether there were any doctors on board. I immediately went forward to assist. But, managing the patient until the flight landed definitely caused me some anxious moments.

Best piece of travel advice?

Go with an open mind and be willing to experience the ups and downs!

Your top five travel destinations?

United Kingdom
Hong Kong
Sri Lanka

What has travel taught you?

I’ve been travelling since the age of four and there is so much out there to see and learn. But the most important thing I’ve realised is what a wonderful country we have that we can call home… Sri Lanka.

Which country did you taste the best ever cuisine?

Singapore! Such variety!

Next travel destination?


By Tina Edward Gunawardhana


  1. M.Noronha says:

    This interview is truly inspirational, especially to those of the younger generation. Success is rewarded precisely through hard work, vision and determination. Well done, Doctor.

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