Checking Out Christina Francke

Jun 06 2016.

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Juggling a career as a Radio Personality at e FM, a writer and a mother Christina often sees the day pass by in a blur. In her free time Christina loves baking, reading and sewing complicated pieces of tapestry. Her pet peeves are snakes and people who chew food with their mouth open! She loves good food and uncomplicated friends who are witty and give hugs freely. 

Why do you love travel? 

I think I got the travel bug from my father. He loved to explore and every school holiday was an adventure with him. I like meeting new people and hearing their stories, and exploring new places. 

Your favourite travel destination and why? 

I absolutely loved Tasmania. It is almost like this magical island hidden away from the rest of the world. 


What do you need for a perfect holiday? 

A book, a map and enough cash to get me to and from. I am not about an expensive holiday, but I love to explore and live like a local. 

In which country have you felt most at home? 

Australia. I think it is because most of my family have resided there the longest and when I am there I am at home. But the moment I come back to Sri Lanka I have the most overwhelming feeling of contentment too. 


Most unusual souvenir you have brought home? 

Well, this is thanks to my son. He was 5 at the time and found a snake skin on a camping trip to Ararat in Victoria, Australia and refused to part with it. It was disgusting and gross, but we brought it back to Melbourne with us (and safely disposed of it a few days later!) 

Worst holiday or travel experience? 

I was on a flight to Hyderabad, India and badly needed to use the restroom facilities. However the sight that greeted my eyes in the airplane toilet resulted in a memory that will never leave me as long as I live. Needless to say, I didn't use the facilities on board. 


Best piece of travel advice? 

I always check the weather, and if there are child-friendly places to go to, as well as read reviews about the destination. I also always pack light. I try to make my end of things as uncomplicated as possible so that I have enough leeway to just go with the flow. Adventure is always around the corner! 

What has travel taught you? 

I have made some great friends while travelling and this is the best part of it for me. Also the fact that no matter what our culture or our skin colour, we are all the same people with similar likes, dislikes and passions. 


Which country did you taste the best cuisine? 

I love Ethiopian and Vietnamese cuisine. There are great representations of all the best cuisines of the world in Melbourne, so the answer would be Australia. 

Next travel destination? 

My son says Lego World in Malaysia, but I would like to travel to maybe China or South Africa. There is so much to see! 

By Tina Edward Gunawardhana


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