Ahinsaka the bunny

Apr 03 2015.

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Ahinsaka - The bunny rabbit!

Ever met a pet so innocent that the owners named him after the Sinhala term for 'innocence' - Ahinsaka? Well you have now! Unlike other ambitious rabbits that plan on winning the race, Ahinsaka enjoys taking a backseat rather watching the race, eating some kankun.

Pet's Details:

Name: Ahinsaka
Breed: Rabbit
Age: 3 years
Owner: Sashara Wijeyeratne

What’s the story behind the name you’ve given?

Well unlike many of the rabbits I have owned who’s on the naughty side and would run away at the mere sight of any human, “Ahinsaka” clearly stands out due to being EXTREMELY innocent and sociable. Hence he was called Ahinsaka.

What’s a typical day like for Ahinsaka?

Well as you may all know rabbits spend most of their time in fear so I guess you could say that Ahinsaka would spend most of his day in fear unless my family is around. But other than that he would just be hopping around all day long.

What are meals like?

Ahinsaka is an eating machine and he is very health conscious. Haha! because he likes his green leaves such as as kankun and what not more than his carrots and wouldn’t even dream of eating any junk food unlike his owner!

Does he engage in any extraordinary movements or weird activities?

Well, when Ahinsaka is extremely scared he would start stomping. He would ‘stomp the yard’ continuously until he is not scared anymore. And it’s very shocking to see him make such a huge noise by his stomping despite having very small bunny feet.

What is his favourite fun time activity?

Definitely, eating.

What is the naughtiest thing he has done?

Well his name says it all. Ahinsaka meaning innocent is too innocent to pull off any naughty stunts.

How did you find him?

My mom was stuck in traffic on her way to work. And as she was looking around she saw a black fluffy rabbit amidst many other white fluffy rabbits and I am guessing it was love at first sight! Because my mother ended up bringing him home, the shop owner told her Ahinsaka’s sob story where Ahinsaka’s girlfriend had died just a few days ago. And so he ended up at my place.

What is his bath time like?

He hates it. He would hop around like crazy and would settle down only if we show him some kankun.

What is his favourite hangout spot?

He doesn’t have an exact spot as such. The whole yard is his hangout spot. Bigger the place the better he likes it.

What’s the best thing about him?

He is a bundle of love and joy. When you have had a long, tiring or even a bad day just looking at him makes you feel so happy.

What was the most unforgettable moment you shared with him?

Probably when we introduced him to our puppies. For once, instead of Ahinsaka being scared he managed to scare our puppies.

By Eshani Seneviratne


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