Mar 16 2017.
views 2309
Think you know em? Then you’ve got another think coming!! With I Mustache You a Question we take you inside the heads of people you know and love!
Kumar De Silva
1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Check Facebook, Whatsapp and Viber. Ugh.
2. What’s your go-to comfort food?
Chocolate ice cream.
3. What’s the one word you are guilty of using too often?
Aiyooo (it’s from the English dictionary, please!)
4. What is the last thing you Googled?
The weather in Paris.
5. Who is the last person that called or texted you?
My daughter just now. And my son just before that.
6. What’s the wallpaper on your phone and/or computer?
Phone - my son and daughter as little children. Computer - French countryside with an impending rainstorm.
7. What was the last awkward situation you were in and how did you handle it?
Pass. Sorry, I’m blank there.
8. What is your guilty pleasure on TV?
The Big Bang Theory! At times I identify myself with Sheldon to a point of eccentricity.
9. What’s the first CD you bought?
Jim Reeves (centuries ago)
10. And what artist/music are you currently listening to?
Carmen by Georges Bizet.
11. What was the last movie that reduced you to tears?
La Mome (the life of Edith Piaff).
12. Who’s your current celeb crush?
No one, hee hee.
13. If you were an ice cream flavour, what would it be?
Berries of the Forest.
14. What drives you absolutely crazy?
Disorder and untidiness. I suffer from OCD!
15. What was your first online screen name?
My same ole name.
16. If you could time travel, what period would you choose?
Shakespearean England AND the French Revolution.
17. What’s your favourite curse word?
I don’t think you want me to list thaaaat down.
18. What’s your favourite emoji?
Nothing specific.
19. What are you reading right now?
Many Lives. Many Masters by Dr. Brian L. Weiss.
20. Craziest dream you’ve seen?
I can’t remember when I last dreamt. I guess my mental hard drive is far too full to accommodate any dreams, alas!
21. Favourite perfume?
Kouros by YSL (night time) + Drakkar Noir by Guy Laroche (day time).
22. Craziest piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Thank God, it's been nothing!
23. Strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Boiled partridge, ugh.
24. What superpower do you wish you had?
Time travel.
25. Pick one: Kittens or puppies?
26. Milo or Nutella?
27. Beach or up country?
Up country.
28. Tea or coffee?
29. Instagram or Snapchat?
30. Tell us a secret.
My life is an open book.