25 things about Shirlene Chiba

Feb 12 2013.

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25 things you don’t know about Shirlene Chiba


Today I have a beauty queen who has kept her work alive for many years. After winning Miss Sri Lanka for Miss Universe In 1965 she kept her duties as a queen very MUCH ALIVE, from looking good, to giving back to society, today she speaks about life and all what makes her happy, hope you will enjoy this beautiful/bubbly person’s 25.

Happy day!


1) I still have a baby tooth, which is very visible in the front row of my teeth. My dentist is so amused,!

2) I share the same birthday with my eldest sister and my elder brother, great timing !

3) When I was a little girl, for many years I kept telling my mother I was the Queen of Saskatchewan; did not know it even existed, now know it’s North of Canada.

My 5 siblings always teased me saying I am the queen of "scratch scratch and run" whenever they wanted to annoy or get even with me! They always won, I always cried…

4) I was a very ugly child.. the ugly duckling of the family.. I was determined to turn it around with positive thinking and positive actions. My bedroom walls were covered with magazine photograph cuttings of my favourite ,beautiful movie stars  Silvana Mangano, Sophia Loren and Stephanie Powers, IT WORKED ! (PS - I even named my daughter Silvana Michiko)

5) I trained Her Excellency , The First Lady when she participated and won the title of Miss Sri Lanka. To this day, I feel a tinge of pride, as I see her walk straight and tall, with dignity grace and elegance. I like to think I played some part in it.

6) My marriage to my Japanese husband and the father of my beautiful daughter Michiko was an arranged one.

7)I Totally love and adore old people - rich or poor, in all shades of skin colour. I love to spend time with them.. All The academic degrees I could have, and never had, I have acquired from them.

8) I love to give…charity is in my marrow.

9)I played the lead role, with the great and famous Gamini Fonseka, in the film Getawarayo. The Film won the best movie that year, I also stared as Jane in a Tarzan movie that was not completed. I had to leave Sri Lanka for the Miss Universe Pageant in U S A.

10) I sang with the famous and popular singer Pat Boone.

11) I have a secret talent for making Christmas Bon Bons, artificial flowers and floral and table arrangements.

12) I play the Piano and the Ukulele.

13) I am writing a book, yet to be completed and published.

14) My daughter Michiko is my no 1 best" Mango Friend" (ambar yaluwa).

15) I was possibly the only Woman Weight Lifter in the early sixties through the late seventy's.. I was trained by "Junior Mr Sri Lanka" Mr Pakeerally..  I trained at the Y M C A along with the guy weight Lifters and body builders. They were a great help to me. I was Akka to them.. sadly I could not compete as I had no competition.

16) My favourite snack is Veralu, Mango and amberella Achcharu.

17) I have a highly developed sixth sense. It’s scary when I sometimes see things before they happen.




18) I was a guest singer with the famous Sri Lankan Tenor Lylie Godridge and his L.G. Quartet. The carol "Little Donkey" was a hit carol for me, The Late Lylie is one of my heroes.. still loved .. still unforgettable.

19) I am working on a great project called INTERNATIONAL WOMEN ACHIEVERS of SRI LANKA, and my Boss is H.E. The First Lady of Sri Lanka.. Awesome Job. Awesome Boss.

20) Was meeting a lady friend ,who wanted a certain quote from a verse in the Bible.. I carried my pocket sized Bible to the Cinnamon Grand Hotel to give her the verse, then hell broke loose as the Tigers in their plane were bombing and shooting, near the hotel and the income tax department, we were all evacuated to the basement ballroom. I was terrified and kept reading my bible and the Psalm 91. It was my faith in the Word that kept me sane… to this day , I carry this Bible whereever I go, 24/7.

21) I was around 16 years old when I almost drowned in the sea in Mt Lavinia… I love the sea, but terrified to go in there.

22) I own the Key to the City of Miami U.S.A  presented to me by The Mayor of Miami, Florida.

23) I released a CD, dedicated to my daughter titled "Sweet Baby Mine - You Light Up My Life". Both songs are recorded in the CD.

24) I BELIEVE IN ANGELS… They truly are my Guardians.

25) I know and believe GOD RAISED ME UP TO MORE THAN I CAN BE.








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