10 Things Guys Never Tell Girls

Apr 30 2015.

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There's almost nothing us women would like more than to dive inside the mind of a man. (At the risk of sounding stereotypical - we may love chocolate a tad more, but being able to know what a man's thinking is right up there.) Men are fascinating creatures. Their minds even more so. One can never fully fathom what's going on inside their heads. Evidently, menfolk like it that way. Prefer it even.

Ergo, it should come as no surprise to you then that men are fiercely protective of their thoughts. Password protection, armed guards… the whole nine yards. Quite literally. Divulging such classified info, we learned, was in direct violation of the bro code.

So our quest for information involved plenty of research, intensive questioning and maybe a threat or two. (In our defence, our male subjects weren't very forthcoming with the info. Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. And you can bet your lives we did. You're welcome.) And to think we were THIS close to selling our souls to the devil for the in you're about to get - so listen up, ladies. This isn't an in you're going to get often.

Without further ado, we proudly present to you our findings, having dissected, cross examined, and exhausted every bit of intelligence we could get our hands on. Here are 10 things that guys don't tell girls.

Disclaimer: This list is not a panoptic one. Neither is it universally accepted. (You understand that kidnapping all menfolk for torture and interrogation would be impossible. Actually, we meant to say - we requested their presence for some tea and discussion.) This is not to say men are the only ones who hold back. Women do too. But that’s for another post.

1. On tough question a la "Am I fat?"

Men agree that to them, "Do I look fat in this?" is a nightmare question. Should they be honest and face your wrath, or lie to you and still be faced with incredulous stares and questions? Either way, they see it as a lose-lose situation. To them you look great. The end.

2. Internet Habits

Don't ask - don't tell. There's a reason the Internet history cache is always empty - there are some things better left unknown.

3. Is she hot?

As visual creatures, men will ogle other women. Heck, they may even think other women are way better looking than you. Will they tell you that? Of course not! But this doesn't mean they're cheating on you - they chose you, didn't they?

4. Date Night

To men, date nights are expensive affairs they pretend to look forward to. Why pay more to do the same things you could do at home, thats prolly way more fun? Especially when women insist on Date Night every other day. Ditto alone time as a couple.

5. Girls Night

Contrary to what women believe, men LOVE girls nights. You can bet your life savings he's already planning his alone time in his head as you're relating your plans to him.

6. Your Friends and Family

Men have mastered the art of pretending to like people. So if they've been subtly ditching that meet up with your best friend, you can be sure they hate her. Besides, you don't like all of their friends and family, so it's only natural they don't like some of yours. Only, they're better than you at hiding it.

7. Loving The Same Stuff

Guys love demeaning female jokes, hate your endless collection of rom-coms and don't exactly share your enthusiasm for shopping. At all.

8. Bachelor Parties and Strip Clubs

Women love to believe their man is the best of 'em all, so convincing you that he was the only one who didn’t get a lap dance at the strip club is like taking a walk in the park. It's seriously that easy. Apparently.

9. Women's Fashion

To guys, womens fashion is like nuclear physics - way too complicated. Having to distinguish between the impact of an oriental fucshia coloured dress versus a frosted tulip one against your skin tone is, therefore, impossible.

10. Compliments

Men are always expected to compliment women, dropping bits like "You look beautiful" at random. And they do mean what they say. But every once in a while, they'd love if you returned the favour.

By Rihaab Mowlana


  1. Anon says:

    Talk about emphasizing awful stereotypes! smh

  2. TWJ says:

    As a guy, I couldnt agree more with this article!

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