Apr 22 2016.
views 268So before we head into one of our most challenging back bends (Wheel pose), next week – we are going to do a little practice to strengthen and stretch the back in preparation, with postures we have covered in this series so far. You may want to continue this for a few weeks, before you approach Wheel, to be sure your back is ready.
Come to all fours with the hands slightly in front of the shoulders and the hips over the knees.
Inhale to cow pose, exhale to cat (repeat 5 times).
Tuck the toes under and lift the knees stretching back into downward facing dog.
Inhale and as you exhale bring the right knee through the arms into pigeon pose, hold for 3 breaths extending the heart forward and lengthening the spine.
Take the weight into the hands and push back into dog and the bring the left knee through for pigeon on the other side.
Then move back into downward facing dog for one breath.
Bring the knees to the floor and lower the upper body down until you are lying on your front. Bring the hands under the shoulders, palms to the floor and activate the legs.
Inhale and come up into cobra elbows bent and tucked into your sides and shoulders rounded down and back.
Lower the upper body down and bend the knees, reach round to hold the ankles or tops of the feet and inhale up into bow posture.
Release the hands and feet and rest in crocodile, pillow the head on the arms and point the big toes together and the heels out to the sides.
When you are ready re align and using the hands push back up into dog.
Walk the hands towards the feet and come to standing forward bend.
On an inhale, bend the knees and roll the body up to standing one vertebrae at a time to come to tadasana.
Shift the weight into the right leg and bend the left knee – hold onto the left ankle or top of the foot with the left hand and as you open the shoulder reach the left foot back into Natarajasana – open the chest feel the front of the body extending.
Release down and repeat on the other side.
Inhale and exhale as you fold forward into standing forward bend.
And then gently bring the knees down to a high kneeling position on the floor.
Reach the hands back and practice whichever variation of Camel posture that you are used to.
When you have finished, lower your heels to your bottom and come into childs pose for a rest.
Reach the hands out in front now and raise the hips to stretch the chest, upper back and shoulder in Puppy posture.
Now cross your ankles and sit back onto your heels and then bring the feet through into a cross legged position at the front.
Come all the way back to lying with your knees bent and feet planted firmly on your mat and then gently lift up into bridge posture.
If you feel like extending this raise your arms behind your head and place your palms on the floor and gently rock a little further back.
When you have finished come back down and hug you knees into your chest gently rocking side to side or making circles with the knees to massage the spine.
Finally come down to Savasana for a final relaxation.
Serena is a yoga teacher and the founder of The OM Space . She is a passionate believer in yoga as a life enhancing practice and runs several classes in Colombo including the very popular Yoga for Children and Yoga for Pregnancy. Serena trained in the UK with the British Wheel of Yoga and is a UK Yoga Alliance registered Senior Teacher.