Feb 05 2016.
views 410Week 30 - Garland Pose as preparation for crow posture
Garland pose is a deep squat and is a fantastic hip opener and very much worth practicing if you need to release this area of your body.
In my practice I use it as a preparation for the arm balance Crow posture (Bakasana) as once you have found your way into the full expression of Malasana you are effectively in the correct starting position to begin your Crow posture practice.
So let's try it out:
Come to standing with the hands in prayer at the heart and take your feet out about the width of your mat with the toes turned out ever so slightly.
On an exhale gently lower the body down into a squat with the bottom close to the floor but not dropping back to touch the floor.
It can be a little tricky to balance here, and if you are not fully comfortable adjust the distance between the feet, I never get this right first time!
Separate the thighs and exhale as you lean your torso forwards to fit neatly between the thighs.
Press the upper arms against the inner knees and for a greater hip opener press the fingertips together and this will allow the torso to lengthen and the heart to open.
Hold the posture for 5 breaths.
If you are feeling adventurous you can bring the hands to the floor in front of you with the fingers spread, being sure to keep the arms and legs in exactly the same position.
Then pop up onto your toes.
You can then lean forwards and feel a little weight in the arms as a further preparation for crow.
When you have finished, stay up on the toes or lean forwards and come up onto the tip toes and then straighten the knees and come into standing forward bend.
You can then bend the knees and roll up to Tadasana.
Take a few breaths here to relax.
Posture : Garland Pose
Sanskrit name : Malasana
*Stretches the ankles, groins and the back of the upper body.
*Tones the belly
*Strengthens back muscles.
*Tones the belly.
*Works the muscles of the shins.
*Opens the heart and can help with people suffering from anxiety and fatigue.
*Improves overall spinal posture.
Avoid if:
You have lower back or knee injury.
Beginners Tip
If you are finding it hard to get the heels down, support them with a fold in your mat or a blanket under the heels.
Serena is a yoga teacher and the founder of The OM Space . She is a passionate believer in yoga as a life enhancing practice and runs several classes in Colombo including the very popular Yoga for Children and Yoga for Pregnancy. Serena trained in the UK with the British Wheel of Yoga and is a UK Yoga Alliance registered Senior Teacher.