Week 11 : Plank
Plank pose is an integral part of the sun salutation, but can also be used as a posture in itself to strengthen the core and the upper body. This is one of the best poses for increasing your strength on your yoga mat!
Start in Downward Facing Dog.
Inhale and bring the upper body forward until the shoulders are over the wrists and the torso is parallel to the floor.
Press the bases of all the fingers into the floor particularly the base of the index fingers, draw the shoulder blades down the back and bring the shoulders away from the ears allowing the chest to open somewhat.
Lengthen the tailbone towards the heels and press the heels away.
Use the muscles in the abdomen and the front of the thighs to draw the body up and into a straight line.
Gaze forward about.
Hold plank for 30 seconds – 1 minute.
Have a stretch in the opposite direction by pushing back into downward facing dog and then bring the knees and forehead to the floor with the arms down by your sides in child pose to rest (pic).
Posture - High Plank Pose
Sanskrit name - Uttihita Chatuanga Dandasana
*Strengthens and increases stability in the shoulders, arms and wrists.
*Tones the abdominal muscles.
* strengthens the back.
*Strengthens the legs.
Avoid if: You have carpal tunnel syndrome or particularly weak wrists.
Be careful if you have lower back injuries.
Beginners Tip: Practice with the knees on the floor to start and maybe lower the upper body to the floor and raise it up again to develop some upper body strength before attempting the full posture.
Beginners Tip
Working on this one every day will certainly be important to help you advance in your practice and prepare for some of the more challenging postures you will come across. Try to hold the posture for a few seconds longer each day this week! Good luck!
Serena is a yoga teacher and the founder of The OM Space . She is a passionate believer in yoga as a life enhancing practice and runs several classes in Colombo including the very popular Yoga for Children and Yoga for Pregnancy. Serena trained in the UK with the British Wheel of Yoga and is a UK Yoga Alliance registered Senior Teacher.