Apr 06 2012.
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Now that you have saved up enough money for a down payment on a new home, here are some facts you should know about to avoid, no matter how appealing the house may look, it will save you tons of money and buy you more happiness in enjoying your new home. No one wants heavy repair bills weighting down their mortgage or the cost of costly renovations. All these additional expenses will only increase the cost of the house you have your eyes fixed on and plan to buy.
Checking out the overall structure of the houses you visit is the most sensible first on your list. Check walls for soundness. If the inside walls are curving outward or having cracks however fine they might be and the floors feel as though they are not solid, leave it alone it’s not the best choice no matter how appealing the house might be, if the structure is defective it is no good. If the house has an upper floor, check whether the supporting columns and beams are in a sound condition. If you find signs of any of the supporting beams been patched, especially in the centre, it means that the beam can no longer support the weight of the floor above it. You will also notice cracks beginning to appear on the adjacent walls.
Make sure that the roof over your head is a solid one that will shelter you from adverse weather through the years. Have an expert check for wood rot and mould in the wood work. Replacing wood can be a costly item. If you have decided on buying the house make the seller discount this fact in writing as it can be thousands of rupees off the market value. Check if it is insulated against heat. Check the condition of the roof tiles or other roofing materials used. Gutters are also an important aspect in how efficiently they deliver and dispose roof water. Badly designed guttering can have you flooded out with every torrential shower of rain.
The present trend is for luxury in the bath and this might appeal to you and make it the deciding factor regardless of how the rest of the house may look. Checking out the quality and condition of the fixtures even though the bathrooms look brand new is not a bad idea. Check out the tile work, tub and countertops by taking a good look over these areas. The most important function in a good bathroom is to have good water pressure especially in the shower. Test it along with the pressure from the other faucets. Another point to check is the proper disposal of waste water.
This is the room where you and the family would spend most of the time in and is a place that has to cater to all the individual needs of working, entertaining and living comfortably. Visualise yourself cooking your family’s meal on a busy week night or on a day you have guests staying over for a meal. Is there enough storage space, counter space? Check out the condition of built-in appliances and see how new they are. Will they service you in a convenient manner or how expensive would it be to change, especially the flooring, the cabinets and countertops.
Important of all details is the soundness of the house’s wiring. No matter how beautiful the chandeliers and light fixtures are, they can be a sales tactic and deciding factor in buying a house. This important infrastructure, the wiring of a house, has to be solid, safe and functioning well. Have a qualified electrician in to check the wiring and give the green light on this before signing on the dotted line to close the deal and buy the house.
Most contemporary houses are often found with large expansive windows. These may even extend to cover an entire wall. It is also good to realize that these will cost a great deal in curtaining. Even though windows lend themselves toward defining the style of a house, it is also good to be practical in your thinking and decide on what types of windows suit your needs best. The older traditional homes generally have smaller windows with panes and imbues an aura of cosiness all its own. Check on their condition as this is an important consideration.
While the cosiness of an older house may exude an aura that spells "home", to most people, the quality finish and architectural detail of newer homes can also send a message of its own and add to the overall appeal and grandeur of the house. Restoration of these details if required can also add up to a large sum of money and will require the services of specialized craftsmen. Their services don’t come cheap.
Colour washing can transform any house. Select colours according to the type of house and the interiors depending on its dimensions and light. Use quality paints for longer lasting finishes and you will be glad you did.
(By Sylvia Page)