Checking in Stefan Andre Joachim

Oct 09 2012.

views 1272

A travel enthusiast? Then this is the read for you. 
Checking In is the spot where travellers share their experiences with readers. 
In our debut piece on Checking In, we feature Stefan Andre Joachim who chats about his favourite holiday destination, favourite travel companion and more!
Stefan Andre Joachim
What's your favourite holiday destination?
Anywhere with a fabulous beach. Some of the more amazing Thai resorts like Koh Samui is perfect.
Koh Samui
What are the best things to do there?
Well, doing nothing, really. However, snorkelling is fantastic and they have amazing water sports along with the best beach side massages.
In which country do you feel most at home?
Bali. It has great clubs and a vibrant night life along with beautiful beaches- lots of stuff to keep me occupied. Ku De Ta, for instance, is absolutely fabulous.
Ku De Ta
Does travel inspire you?
Yes, tremendously. I love the colours, usage of culture, latest form of fashion especially in London.
Ideal travel companion?
Someone who is a great friend and would leave me alone; I love travelling alone rather than in big crowds.  
What is the best journey you have ever taken?
London! Hugely cosmopolitan and a countless number of things to do. Always being a hop, step and a jump away from many cities was an added advantage along with the fact that you could get anywhere in minutes by road or train.
With Perez Hilton in London
Harry Pottering at Leeds Castle, my FAV book ever!!
The english countryside ..
Where are you thinking of travelling next?
Back to London.
What do you never travel without?
I can do without anything- except my laptop. I love travelling light and my laptop is an absolute necessity.
What’s your earliest holiday memory?
Of a holiday bungalow, The River View Bungalow in Lindula.
(By Tasneem Dawoodbhoy)


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