Woodland Style Garden
Feb 23 2012.
views 982
Concentrate on the present natural layout of the garden. Run a critical eye over it and ask family and friends for their opinion too. Remember, you want to make the garden look as though nature herself created it. Helps to draw it out on paper or if you are not good at drawing take some photographs. Mark out what you want to add or change.
Make use of the terrain of the land as it stands. For instance if you want to connect to a higher reach why not consider linking it with a nice little stone or wood bridge. There are beautiful designs for garden foot bridges on the internet to draw your inspiration from. Some of them could be constructed using material from the garden itself for next to nothing with a bit of ingenuity and commonsense. Using such materials will make the structure blend well into the natural feel of the garden.

Reading from under this you can consider constructing a meandering water feature using natural stones and shade loving water plants and boulders. Even a dry water feature can be constructed in this manner if pebbles are placed in the stream bed. When adding boulders they should look as though they have been part of the terrain, to achieve this bury a good part of it in the ground taking into account its shape while blending it into the rest of the landscape to give that authentic feel of a woodland space.
Typical plants that will grow are shade loving ornamentals. If there is a little sunlight then add some plants that can take some partial sunlight. For good effect group them together and arrange randomly, just as you will see how plants survive in the under story of woodland cover, interspersed with subtle paths. Don’t forget you are creating a forest styled garden, one that will also answer to your needs and work as a space to relax and enjoy.
Add a rustic seat that will tempt you to take a book outside and enjoy the sights, sounds and fragrances of the garden while you read. I bet you that not much reading will be accomplished when there’s a live garden to enjoy. Adding a bird bath and a seed tray will also encourage wildlife into your garden. If your garden has enough honey laden flowers consider adding a bee box.
Don’t think of planting grass! It will never grow under shade and it will only be a waste of time and energy trying to grow it. Gravel will be a better solution with bits of ground cover naturally appearing from between natural stones or driftwood carefully placed according to the space you are left with. A fire pit with enough garden furniture is a good addition for entertaining outdoors during weekends or holidays. Fire is hazardous and care must always be exercised when lighting one.
(Written by Sylvia Page)