Woman trains six cats to form rock band

Jun 14 2012.

views 759

A US woman has trained six cats to form a rock band.
Samantha Martin, from Chicago, has created Rock Cats - who are made up of Tuna on lead guitar, Pinky on rhythm guitar, Nue on keyboards, and Dakota, Waldo and Fiji on percussion - and they are often joined by a chicken on tambourine and cymbals.
She is now advertising online for someone to make her feline outfit a gong in order for them to extend their repertoire.
In a post on Craiglist, she wrote: "Serious, not a joke, I want to incorporate a miniature size gong into the act, but need the mallet on a pulley type system, as I am teaching them to pull on a rope.
"It's kind of hard to explain, but if you are creative and want to give it a shot send me an email."
(Bang Showbiz)


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