V Try U Buy - Iced Coffee

Apr 30 2014.

views 732

While one may tend to think no beverage could be more commonplace than iced coffee, it is also one with the capacity to go catastrophically wrong! No one can take a chilled milk coffee in replacement of a standard iced coffee, and we agree that not everyone who serves the beverage can pull it off too well.

BreadTalk lived up to our expectations. So did Klassy, a quaint little place you can check out for pastries too, while the particular Sen-Saal outlet we visited was a serious let down. More on the ratings below. We will also be doing a second round of iced coffee, suggestions being welcome in the meantime.

Iced Coffee - BreadTalk (No.85, Thimbirigasyaya Road, Colombo 05)

Price - Rs.170
Value for money - average
Taste - ****
Overall - Rather sweet and served extremely chilled, which serves the purpose. Strong hints of cardamom which we found to be a refreshing change from the standard tasting iced coffee available at other establishments.

Iced Coffee - Sen-Saal (No.104, Thimbirigasyaya Road, Colombo 05)

Price - Rs.80
Value for money - low
Taste - **
Overall - Horrible and watery, but we must note that the iced coffee served at the Union Place outlet is of a far better standard and tastes better.

Iced Coffee - Klassy (No.2B, De Fonseka Road, Colombo 05)

Price - Rs.80
Value for money - high
Taste - *****
Overall - Served perfectly chilled and we found this iced coffee rather well balanced in terms of flavour and taste. Worth a trip to De Fonseka Road.

Our pick: Iced Coffee from Klassy

By Nivedha Jeyaseelan and Sarah Kellapatha


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